Letters to the editor – Wednesday (4-2-14)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Ignore deniers; climate change real
You published John Christy’s article denying the seriousness of climate change (“Why we argue climate change: ‘Settled science’ isn’t necessarily so,” published Sunday).Today the latest IPCC report was issued that shows we face adverse conditions: rising seas, food shortages and water shortages will be the worst immediate problems.
Time is running out for our nation to pull itself together, ignore deniers and organize a concerted effort to fight climate change. We need an effort much like our World War II efforts to transform production and beat the Germans.
The best approach is the one proposed by former Rep. Bob Inglis: a revenue-neutral carbon tax with border adjustments. Bob was right when he started to teach folks about climate change, and he was right when he started to explain the merits of a carbon tax collected from fossil fuel producers and rebated to the general population..
Why wouldn’t everyone support such a plan?
Please endorse Bob Inglis’ revenue-neutral carbon tax with border adjustments.
— Judy Weiss
Brookline, Mass.