Letters to the editor Tuesday (4-1-14)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Help turn this county around
This letter is mainly directed to the registered Democrats in Rowan County. Since there are only two Democratic candidates for county commission, you have a chance to directly affect the Republican/Tea Party primary this year.
You have a little over a week to change your voter registration to unaffiliated for this primary election. When you go to the polls you can then ask for a Republican ballot and choose the best candidates for our county.
Then you can change your registration back to Democrat if you wish for later elections.
If you need help deciding, you might look at the candidacies of Jim Greene, Johnny Love and Judy Klusman. Then in the fall you will have the opportunity to choose between these as well as the Democratic candidates as well as hopefully Raymond Coltrain and Gene Miller.
Let’s make a difference and turn this county around and make it more attractive to prospective businesses and better for all of our citizens.
— Ralph Walton
Modest proposal
There has been much talk lately about Congress not getting anything done and being stuck in partisan gridlock. I can think of at least one law which it could pass which would definitely help move the nation forward. Simply pass a bill ordering that the Constitution and all copies of it be burned.
“Do what?” you say.
Now, keep an open mind about this and I think it’s certain that you will plainly see the merits of this proposal. The foremost reason for doing this is that the Constitution is largely meaningless anyway, what with our tendency to ignore and misinterpret it. This will provide us with a great opportunity to end all of our hypocrisy in acting as if we truly care what the Constitution says. This gives us a chance to be honest with ourselves and publicly admit what we truly feel inside: that the Constitution is irrelevant and unnecessary, a road block to doing what needs to be done for the sake of economic prosperity and justice. We don’t truly follow it, and so the notion that we should pretend that we do is plainly absurd, insane even.
Furthermore, we may as well go ahead and destroy the Constitution, as it is only a manner of time before some federal judge, probably appointed by Clinton (that is, Bill, not Hillary – at least not yet) finds the Constitution itself unconstitutional. Then it will go to the Supreme Court, and they will deliberate for a few years and it will just be a real hassle. It is easier and more beneficial this way.
Why wait to get on board with progress? Let’s be ahead of the curve on this one, be honest with ourselves, and take this simple step to restore honesty in politics and public discourse.
— Tom Hervey