Mark your calendars, grab a partner

Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 1, 2014

This year our Dogwood Tournament is in February instead of March. The dogwoods won’t be blooming, but we hope our player numbers will. The dates are Feb. 21, 22 and 23.
All sessions are stratified, and there is a large 299er group. I have had many calls regarding what this group is. 299ers are relatively new players who have fewer than 300 points. This group is further broken down into smaller stratifications. This means players with 0-20 points will be measured within that group of players, giving all a better chance to gain points.
This 299er section is usually low-key and very friendly. Mark your calendars, grab a partner and come out to see us.
Friday, Feb. 24 winners:
N/S First, Ron and Shirley Jeffers; second, Ruth Bowles and Marie Pugh; third, Carol Bachl and Judy Gealy.
E/W First, Harold and Carol Winecoff; second, Chuck and Margaret Rimer; third, John and Myrnie McLaughlin. Overall winners: First, the Winecoffs; second, the Rimers; third, the Jeffers; fourth, the McLaughlins; fifth, Patsy Reynolds and Pat Macon.
Tuesday, Jan. 28 Women’s Club winners were: First, Marie Pugh and Becky Creekmore; second, John McLaughlin and Loyd Hill. We welcomed Steve Furr and Mike Reiman.
Our featured hand is board #28 from the Friday game. The Bachl/Gealy pair had the best N/S score bidding 4 Spades, N making the bid, while the McLaughlin pair had the best E/W score. Not vulnerable, they had been bidding Diamonds, pushed their N/S opponents to 5 Spades, doubled and set them 2 tricks. East lead the A K of hearts and returned a Diamond. Partner took the A. Later they took a spade trick for 2 down.
N/S vulnerable
West dealer

S A 9 8 6 5
H Q 7
C A K J 5 2

S J T 7 S Q 4
H 8 4 H A K 6
D A K J 9 7 6 D T 8 4 3
C 6 4 C T 9 7 3

S K 3 2
H J T 9 5 3 2
D 5 2
C Q 8