Letters to the editor — Thursday (1-30-2014)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 30, 2014
I would like to add a few brief comments to the Jan. 28 letter from Mark Beymer titled, “Church and state revisited: The historical perspective.”
Periodically letters are submitted that both offer proof that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values and that our country was not founded on Judeo-Christian values. It seems obvious (at least to me) that quotes from our founders can be found to support either position. It also seems obvious (at least to me) that there is probably no way to finally settle the issue.
That said, I think there are some things upon which there could be agreement. First, I think we can say that the founders of our country were influenced by Judeo-Christian values. After all, they were influenced by Western European thought, which was in turn influenced by Judeo-Christian values. This is different than saying our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. Second, I think we can say that the founders did not intend for our country to be a theocracy with an official state sponsored religion. They were, I believe, influenced in this by the destructive European religious wars of the past.
As far as moral and ethical behavior is concerned, it has been our task to work these things out over time, sometimes influenced by Judeo-Christian values and sometimes by decisions based on what is judged to be right and what is judged to be wrong. Sometimes we are faced with totally new questions related to totally new realities such as technology, modern science, changes in demographics (both general and religious), etc. It is our task to address these new questions and find new answers based on both past values and recent values. We will not always get it right but we must always try to get it right.
— Roger Hull
China Grove
Last weekend my husband and I took our two babies out for a stroll at the mall, and aside from the rancid cologne smell coming from one of the clothing stores, it was a lovely time. We saw many people enjoying the facility for the same purpose. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, now that we own the property, to make it even more hospitable for exercise? I would love to see a walking track with workout stations. If there is room for it, a yoga or group area with an attached play area would be perfect for us moms with young kids. I love a good walk, but with the cold weather this winter and the hot to come next summer, an indoor walking track (and no more stinky store cologne) would be a great help in actually fitting them in.
— Sally Bays