Letters to the editor — Saturday (1-25-2014)
Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 25, 2014
Please forgive me, but I am still somewhat in shock. You see, Tuesday I received the disturbing news that I am being sued! I have always done my utmost to be a good law abiding citizen of Rowan County — paid my taxes on time, kept my property up, supported area businesses and sent my children to the local public schools. I never figured something like this could happen to me.
So who’s taking me to court? Some bill collector? No. Some business seeking to collect an outstanding debt? No. Some slip-and-fall lawyer representing a dubiously injured client? No. I’m actually being sued by the Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education. And by the way, if you are one of the 138,000 citizens of this county, the board voted to sue you as well.
It seems the board was offended by the more than $28 million of our money they were offered by county commissioners, so now they are going to spend who knows how much more of our tax dollars to fight for even more of our money. They are serious — they want our money and they want it now. So in a 5-2 decision the Board of Education voted to sue every tax-paying county resident. Fve elected members of the board voted to increase our property taxes by dragging us to court and forcing us to pay for two opposing lawyers! And we trust these people to oversee the education of our children?
Two board members, Chuck Hughes and Josh Wagner, tried to save us by voting against this insanity. For their stand, we are greatly appreciative. As for the five other boad members, how can you hope to defend such a vindictive action? How in the world could you think this was a wise decision? We, the tax-paying citizens of Rowan County, will remember your names — Dr. Richard Miller, Kay Wright Norman, Jean Kennedy, Susan Cox and L.A. Overcash – and your vote to sue us come this November.
— Barbara Owen
Regarding the Jan. 22 letter “Rewriting history”:
This country is not necessarily founded on Judeo-Christian values. When was the last “witch” hanged in America? In 1692 in Massachusetts (See Exodus 22:18). Massachussetts was a colony then, but the verse remains, and why aren’t we killing people who work on Sunday (Exodus 31:15 and Numbers 32-36)?
The Treaty of Paris did not officially establish Christianity as the nation’s state religion.
As far as the Founding Fathers go, they weren’t saints. George Washington was said to have falsified a land survey to get more property. If so, “Thou shalt not covet” was not what he was bearing in mind. Who besides a monk, a nun or a communist has any intention of obeying that verse?
Nor was Benjamin Franklin a paragon of virtue. He had an eye for the ladies and advised young men to have older mistresses. That way, if she got pregnant, it would be easier to make a run for it.
Thomas Jefferson reportedly had two mistresses, one a black woman, which back then was scandalous. Jefferson was denounced as a “howling atheist,” a “hardened infidel” and an “enemy of religion.” So much for “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
Perhaps the reasons Bibles were in schools then was because that was the only book available.
The Bible is necessary in every family’s life?
Fine, tell your wife “Honey, we’re selling the house and car and we’ll give all the money to the poor” (Luke 12:33).
Tell your children to read Solomon’s Song 4:5 and Numbers 31:12-18.
Parting shots: “Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the common law.” — Thomas Jefferson, in a Feb. 10, 1814, letter to Dr. Thomas Cooper.
“Too absurd for belief, it (Christianity) produces only atheists and fanatics.” — Thomas Paine.
— R. Howard Andrews
I just wanted to let people know that a good man has gone before us and is now at rest.
I work at the VA hospital here in Salisbury. That is where I first met Tim McCarthy. He came to the hospital on a very regular basis for cancer treatments.
Tim always had a smile and a good word. The last time I spoke with Tim he was very weak and needed help with a wheelchair. Even then, he wished me well and had a smile and a good word.
I will miss Tim, and so will my co-workers. The world is a lesser place with him gone.
— Rick Johnson