Saturday benefit at Elks Lodge for families of Terri McPherson, Cynthia Hardin, Hannah Tice
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 23, 2014
In 2013, the Myers family was dealt a series of tragic losses when Terri Myers Parlier McPherson died after a car crash on Easter Sunday. Her daughter, Hannah Tice, died a few days later from her injuries. Then, the day before Thanksgiving, McPherson’s sister, Cynthia Myers Hardin, died unexpectedly.
The family has struggled to pay medical and funeral expenses and now ask the community to help by participating in a weekend benefit fundraiser at the Salisbury Elks Lodge, 508 S. Main St., Salisbury.
The benefit is being organized by Vickie Prince, the aunt of McPherson and Hardin. She said she discovered the sisters’ children needed help with expenses.
McPherson left two sons, Michael and Justin, while Hardin’s son, Stephen, also has limited funds to help cover the costs incurred after his mother’s death. Prince said McPherson and Hardin were the only children of her sister, Nancy, while Hannah was the only granddaughter.
McPherson died after her car crossed the center line and struck a pickup head on and Hannah, 9, died two days later at the hospital.
Hardin, 41, died Nov. 27.
The fundraiser will be Saturday from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tickets for food plates are $7.50 and will include chicken or barbecue, baked beans, coleslaw and roll. There will also be an auction, door prizes and a 50/50 raffle with items given to by local businesses. The auction will take place at 5 p.m.
The entertainment during the fundraiser will include local bands that Hardin knew and who wanted to support her family: DJ Cherokee, 4 p.m.; 69z The Rock Band, 6 p.m.; Music by Seth Grigg, 8 p.m.; Smokey & Roadhouse, 9 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Salisbury Elks Lodge No. 699, or for more information about advance tickets contact Vickie Prince at 704-213-6881.