Holiday closings
Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 19, 2014
Banks, government offices, schools, colleges and some businesses will be closed Monday for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
• Rowan-Salisbury Schools are closed for the holiday Monday. Students are also off for teacher workdays on Tuesday and Wednesday.
• Kannapolis and Cabarrus schools are closed Monday and have one teacher workday, Tuesday.
• Rowan County offices will be closed Monday, including the landfill and recycling sites.
• Salisbury city offices will be closed Monday. Garbage pickup will stay on its normal schedule.
• Kannapolis city offices will be closed Monday. Garbage collection will stay on its normal schedule.
• Concord city offices will be closed Monday. Garbage, recycling, and bulky waste collection will operate on a one-day delay. All customers are asked to place yard waste (including loose leaves for residents in the Thursday collection area) at the curb by 6 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Yard waste will be collected by the end of the day Friday, Jan. 24.
• U.S. Postal Service offices are closed Monday and mail will not be delivered.
• The Salisbury Post is closed Monday but will publish a paper on its usual schedule.