Help build sets, audition for Piedmont Players’ upcoming shows
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 2, 2014
— Set construction for ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ is set for 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday.
Lunch will be provided Saturday. No experience is required; come for an hour—come for the weekend to help build the set for this swashbuckling adventure.
The Meroney Theater is located at 213 S. Main St.
— Piedmont Players Theatre’s Youth Theatre Winter workshop for ‘A Thousand Cranes’ will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday.
This workshop, led by Edward Whitney, will focus on stage movement, character development and how to audition. The cost is $25, call for class availability.
It will be held at the Norvell Theater, 135 E. Fisher St.
— Piedmont Players Theatre’s Youth auditions for ‘A Thousand Cranes’ will be held at 4 and 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the Norvell Theater.
Only 25 spots per time slot are available and are by appointment only.
For more information or to sign up for one of these events, call 704-633 5471 or visit
New singers are welcome to join the Concert Choir for a season of serious fun.
The first practice of the year will take place at 7:30 p.m. Monday at St. John Lutheran’s choir room.
The Concert Choir will be singing “Carmina Burana” with the Salisbury Symphony.
The group’s spring concert titled “Bach and the Boys” will feature Bach choral selections and music of his contemporaries.
KANNAPOLIS — Beginning Jan. 4, the club will meet each Saturday from 8:30 to 10 a.m. at the Rotary Hall Kannapolis, 211 West Ave.
The club is excited about the new space and welcomes new members and guests. Speak, lead and succeed in a safe and fun environment.
For details, contact Cynthia Randolph at 704-277-7401 or
CHARLOTTE — All Museum events and activities are free with admission unless otherwise noted.
For more information on exhibitions, movies or special events, call 704-372-6261, ext. 300 or visit
• Families of Abraham — Closes Jan. 12: A photographic exhibition that explores the commonalities between Christians, Jews and Muslims. Free; museum admission not required.
• Explore More Collections — Jan. 26 is National Australia Day, so Discovery Place is celebrating Australia and its culture all month long.
In ‘Aboriginal Dot Art’ visitors learn about art created by the Indigenous peoples of Australia, and make your own to take home. Daily in January at 2 p.m.
• Explore More Life Lab — AAACHOO! Have you ever wondered how germs spread? What do some harmful bacteria do to our bodies? Learn about these things and more in the Explore More Life lab.
In ‘Bacteria Bonanza,’ take a closer look at lab cultures to see just what bacteria looks like to the naked eye. Grow your own bacteria culture in our lab using petri dishes. Saturdays in January at 11 a.m.
• Explore More Stuff — Work with mechanical and electrical mechanisms as we study Robots. Have the chance to program Lego Mindstorms robots using NXT software, and manipulate outputs with inputs controlled via a microcontroller.
In ‘Build it, Make it, Take It — Budget Bot,’ join friends from Hackerspace Charlotte to connect motors and simple integrated circuits to make a budget robot. Then write code to control what your robot can do. 18 participants only, $15 each. Call 704-372-6261 x300 to reserve a space. Saturday, Jan. 11, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This workshop includes soldering and writing computer code.
• KidScience — KidScience is Discovery Place’s early childhood exhibition where children ages 0-7 and their caregivers learn about science and math as they experiment, create and play together. January’s theme is “Winter is Here.” Learn about the fun that can be had only during the winter season.
In Discovery 3D Theatre, featured films are 15-20 minutes in length, show throughout the day and are free with Museum admission. Discovery 3D Theatre is currently showing:
• Turtlevision 2: Sammy’s Escape – Through May 2014
• NEW: Penguins 3D – Through November 2014, narrated by David Attenborough, celebrates the destiny of a very special King Penguin, who returns to his birthplace in the sub-Antarctic.
Known as Penguin City, the island is also home to hundreds of albatrosses, fur seals and brawling elephant seals, as well as six million penguins.
Somehow our hero must earn his place among the island inhabitants and fulfill his destiny by finding a mate and raising a family.
There is an additional charge for IMAX films.
• Flight of the Butterflies – Closes Jan. 9. The amazing journey of the monarch butterfly takes flight on the giant screen this winter in a triumphant journey of perseverance based on a true story.
• NEW: Hubble – Opens Jan. 10, the gripping story of the Hubble Space Telescope’s legacy.
• Jerusalem – Showing through March 30; the film follows three young Jerusalemites and their families – Jewish, Christian and Muslim.
CHARLOTTE — Homeowners and NASCAR fans living in the Charlotte area are invited to the NASCAR Hall of Fame from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday for the chance to receive a racing-themed backyard makeover and appear in an upcoming episode of Yard Crashers that will be filmed at a later date in early 2014.
The DIY Network is looking for one lucky homeowner to dig up, demolish and transform their backyard into a racing fan’s dream space.
Matt Blashaw, licensed landscape contractor and host of DIY Network’s Yard Crashers, will be on site to meet and greet with fans and choose a family/yard for the racing-themed episode.
To participate, homeowners must bring a picture of their current backyard and be ready to convince Matt Blashaw and the Yard Crashers crew why they are the worthy fan that should receive a free yard makeover racing style.
There is no charge to participate in the casting call. Parking is available in the NASCAR Hall of Fame parking garage on Brevard St.
MOCKSVILLE — Broadway’s Best Theatre Company, Davie County’s professional theater troupe, has announced its second season, “Bare Bones II,” which will begin in February.
The 2014 schedule will include four new musical revues featuring hits from dozens of Broadway musicals.
“On Broadway and In Love” will kick off the season Feb. 6 with a preview, followed by seven performances through Feb. 16.
There will be a special gala performance for Valentine’s evening, including catered treats and champagne.
From March 27 through April 6, join in the laughs for “Fun Stuff from Broadway” with comic songs from some of Broadaway’s funniest shows.
Experience “Before Oklahoma” in May, which features hits from the 20s, 30s and 40s and includes a second gala for Mother’s Day.
The final production of the season, “Broadway Show Stoppers,” will run in June and features, of course, nothing but show stopping tunes.
Season tickets are now on sale on or 336-575-4446.
Broadway’s Best began producing fundraising revues in April 2013 to develop funding and awareness of their plans to renovate their Farmington Road site into a 250-seat Summer Stock Theater.
It is located at 103 Beechtree Place in Mocksville, near the intersectionof Interstate 40 and Farmington Road, exit 174.