Exit ramp to Poplar Tent Road closing for grinding
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Weather permitting, the N.C. Department of Transportation tonight will temporarily close the exit ramp from I-85 South to Poplar Tent Road (Exit 52) in Concord, followed by the entrance ramp from Poplar Tent Road to I-85 South from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18. During these closures, crews will be improving the surface of the ramps with a process called “diamond grinding” as part of the $125.2 million I-85 widening project.
Diamond grinding involves using closely spaced diamond saw blades to remove thin layers of concrete. The blade assembly runs across the road surface at a predetermined level, producing saw cut grooves. The uncut concrete remains near a constant level with the grooves, offering motorists a smoother, quieter ride. This method also enhances skid resistance and reduces hydroplaning potential.
Being that this is still an active project, what motorists are seeing and feeling on the roadway is not final. To address this issue, NCDOT has worked with the contractor to diamond grind the entire project length at one time, meaning there are new sections of pavement currently open to traffic that are rough. At this time, a subcontractor is diamond grinding along areas of pavement closed to traffic. Once those areas are complete, traffic will be switched so work can continue on areas currently open to motorists.
NCDOT reminds motorists to watch signs for construction information, stay alert and obey the posted speed limit.
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