Commissioners to discuss central office site Monday

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 16, 2013

SALISBURY — Rowan County residents could hear more debate on the downtown schools central office site at Monday’s commission meeting.
County leaders were expected to discuss a deadline for the central office decision after Vice Chairman Craig Pierce offered five alternative sites to the 329 S. Main St. location, but school board officials voted 5-2 on Friday to continue pursuing the downtown project. School Board Chairman Richard Miller said he would ask to have the decision placed on Monday’s agenda.
Along with the controversial central office, commissioners are also expected to present the findings of an internal investigation into allegations that Commission Jon Barber made personal copies on the county’s copy machine.
At a commission meeting in September, Barber said the censure investigation is in response to his statements to the press and remarks at Salisbury City Council meetings.
Pierce countered, saying the investigation was a result of a code of ethics violation.
County Risk Manager Yvonne Moebs is expected to present the findings.
Commissioners are also expected to schedule a second public hearing for the new Gildan expansion on Dec. 2, as is required by law, and will set a public hearing for a request for county-provided filler dirt for a private business addition. That hearing is also expected to be scheduled for Dec. 2.
County leaders will also discuss a proposed February budget work session date.
Commissioners will meet at 6 p.m. in the Rowan County Administration Building at 130 W. Innes St. in the second floor meeting chamber.
Contact reporter Nathan Hardin at 704-797-4246.