Published 12:00 am Friday, September 20, 2013

Veterans deserve better service
For more than 20 years I have been doing veteran advocacy work to anyone who calls. I have received numerous awards for my efforts. In the past four years my work has increased because the county has failed to provide proper care for the proud and honored veterans of Rowan.
Most of my cases came from veterans who already had been to the county veteran officer and were disappointed. This falls on County Manager Gary Page, who in open meeting four years ago said he would monitor her.
The commissioners have changed their minds numerous times over the past year. It’s become a guessing game. Do they want to improve service to the veterans or just let them fight it out themselves? I receive more calls per week with complaints than the county service officer had defending her at the commissioners meeting.
The only way a veteran will get better service in Rowan is to use a national service officer. There are already four NSOs available at no cost to county veterans, so why are we paying a salary for poor service? Just last week I was able to secure a large back payment and increased monthly benefit for a veteran who spent two years waiting for the county service officer to get it done. I did it in three weeks total.
My point is the veterans of this county deserve their rightful due. Anyone who speaks out to defend the county service officer is speaking against the veterans. My priorities are helping needy veterans over friendship. My real friends would understand that; the others don’t matter.
If you have been to the county and were not pleased, then take it directly to Mr. Page. I have washed my hands in doing the county’s work for them.
The veterans didn’t wait for you; they gave you freedom. Show them some respect, if you can bring yourself to it. I’m tired of these games you are playing on the backs of veterans.
— Rodney Cress


Howle a big help
I have enjoyed the Salisbury Post for a very long time. I find it very informative reading. As I was reading the Sept. 13 edition, I noticed the front-page article about the veteran services officer. It seems as though County Manager Gary Page wants to shut down (or gut) the services that help our veterans and their families.
My husband served eight years in the U.S. Navy and was proud of our country. He passed away in April of this year. Had it not been for Elaine Howle with the Veteran Services Office, I would not have known which way to turn. She helped me understand so much.
Ms. Howle is such as asset to the Veteran Services Office and does so much for the veterans and their families. Other people who might try to do her job just can’t be as knowledgeable and caring as she is.
Please find other areas to cut and let our veterans and families have what they have earned.
— Claudia Kinney


Sign can save lives
Royce Dunn, president of Please Let Me Live and director of Life Chain, relates this story: A coordinator in California had a lady bring a young mother with her baby to talk to him. The lady said, “Twenty years ago I was pregnant, not married and in a very difficult situation. I saw you holding a (Life Chain) sign and decided not to have the abortion I had scheduled — and this is my daughter I would have aborted — and this is my new grandbaby. Thank you for being here with the signs.”
Please make plans on Sunday, Oct. 6, to spend one hour with us in Mocksville, Salisbury, Mooresville and 40-plus other areas in North Carolina. You may call 704-528-3741 for more information about the N.C. Please Let Me Live Chains or go online at
A total of 1,600 Life Chains are to be held on that Sunday, with more than 90 Life Chains in Canada. This is the 26th year this event has taken place. If you cannot come, please spend time in prayer for these young mothers and their babies.
— Linda Murdock Harmon
