Help get cards to deployed soldiers out right now, not later
Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 8, 2013
Are you a procrastinator? When I was a child, that word didn’t exist in my vocabulary. Certain things were done on a weekly schedule and we did what we were told to do without fussing.
We didn’t have much fun time as we got older. We did not have a telephone and our television time was limited to The Mickey Mouse Club every afternoon. I did homework every evening and read a lot.
Then as a young wife and mother, I was striving to be all I could be and with a job outside of our home, I became very organized. Later as a 4-H leader, organization became my strong point.
But changes have taken place over the years with my health problems and now my advancing age, and I “ain’t what I used to be.” Most of the time, I am the only one that suffers when I do procrastinate.
But I have learned that when God speaks in “that still small voice,” I had better listen, act then, and never put off anything that is important in His plans for me.
That is one of the reasons I’m writing this story at 2:30 a.m.
When He gives me the basis for a story and the thoughts begin to flow, I have to get them on paper or I may not meet that goal He has set for me.
So one may wonder why I am writing about procrastination, and I will share that now.
Most readers know about my Card Ministry for our soldiers serving in war-torn countries.
It started as my personal hobby in 2004 and I averaged sending about 300 hand-made cards per month at my own expense for several years. As the number of soldiers continued to grow, other people became involved.
We began recycling used cards, and sought help to cover the cost of envelopes, cardstock, tape and mailing expenses.
This ministry continues to grow but it is somewhat harder to get the envelopes now as they are very expensive.
Recently, my co-conspirator, Donna No. 2, and I had been discussing how many envelopes we need and how it was probably best that I start seeking help.
Having to ask for financial help is the part of this ministry that I dislike the most, but the Lord continues to lead me to the right place at the right time.
I certainly could never have stayed with this ministry if I had not had help from friends like Donna and those “angels unaware” that are there for us.
But this story came down to the night I started writing a monthly column for a local newspaper.
Just as I was preparing to hit the send button on the email, the Lord urged me to spend a few more minutes preparing a message asking the editor to add a note at the end of the story expressing our need for envelopes.
She replied the next day asking how many and what size envelopes we would need. I told her that we use all sizes and need “as many as we can get” if we continue this ministry.
A few days later a box of 2,400 envelopes appeared on my porch!
Donna spent two nights putting cards and envelopes together and then nearly 1,000 more recycled cards ended up on my porch. So, once again, we have cards, but not enough envelopes.
What if I had put off until the following month asking for help? Someone else might have asked the donor for the envelopes and we could have missed the opportunity the Lord provided.
God sends angels and blesses me and the ministry. More than 100,000 cards have left my home and presented the soldiers with cards to send to their family and friends.
A lot of people ask when I will stop making hand-made cards to mail and I explain that I will stay with it until I either have no one who needs the cards, or no support in the costs.
I’m sure He will bless the givers just as He continues to bless the receivers.
Donations are welcome to help with sending about 60 boxes of Christmas cards in early October.
Checks may be mailed to:
Linda S. Beck
717 Lochshire Lane
Woodleaf, NC 27054
For more information, call Beck at 704-278-9355 or email her at
Linda Beck is a local writer.