Summer bridge — the heat is upon us

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 21, 2013

Now that the heat is upon us, it’s a great time for the inside mental sport of bridge.
Come join us in the air-conditioned cool spaces of the Women’s Club and Rufty-Holmes Senior Center.
We are playing a Charity Fund Game at the Women’s Club on Tuesday. We’ll be awarding higher points than usual.
Last Friday we had a 5 table Howell Movement Game. Winners were BettyBonner Steele and Stella Shadroui, first; Carol and Harold Winecoff, second; Pat Macon and Pat Featherston, third; and John and Myrnie McLaughlin. fourth.
Today’s board is No. 21 from that game. The best N/S score 5HS*+1 was made by the Macon/Featherston pair, while the Winecoff pair had the best E/W score defeating their opponent’s 3NN one trick. N/S N dealer North
S Q T 8 4

H K T 9

D A J T 6 2
C 3

West East

S A K J 7 3 S 9 6 5 2
H A 8 H Q 5

D 9 8 5 3 D K Q 7 4
C 9 2 C Q 5 4



H J 7 6 4 3 2

C A K J T 8 7 6

Once again this is an example of high card count not being important, but re-evaluated points are important.
Also, a suit contract is vital for its ruffing power, where NT doesn’t afford this option. Also note that 5CS*+2 is and was makeable but didn’t score as well as the major suit contract.
The Women’s Club welcomed Judy Goodman to the group. We hope she makes a habit of coming.
The winners were: first, Dick Brisbin and Marie Pugh; second, Judy Gealy and Judy Goodman; third, Anna and David Goff.