Egypt: 6 dead as clashes break out nationwide
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 5, 2013
CAIRO (AP) — A Health Ministry official says six people have been killed in clashes around the country involving opponents and backers of ousted President Mohammed Morsi, as well as security forces.
In Cairo, a crowd of Islamists surged across a bridge over the Nile River after nightfall and clashed with Morsi opponents near Tahrir Square and outside the state TV building. One witness reports gunfire and stone throwing.
Clashes, some involving police, erupted in cities of southern Egypt, along the Suez Canal and in the Nile Delta as Morsi supporters marched on local government buildings.
Khaled el-Khatib, a Health Ministry official, says four people have been killed in Cairo and two elsewhere, with 180 wounded.