Quotes of the week

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 28, 2013

“That’s why Hitler gave up, because of the farmer boys from the South.”
— Veteran at reunion of 737th Tank Battalion

“We are writing history. We are no longer sitting on the couch waiting on someone else to do the job.”
— Heitor Vinci, Catawba student
on protesting the government in his home country of Brazil

“I said, ‘I give them my bad eye,’ Most of the time, that was enough.”
— Rosella Caldwell, retired teacher
on how she kept class discipline

“What would Clyde think?”

— John Grimes,
brick mason and artist,

on considering the viewpoint of a fellow artist

“I was the person people loved to hate, but they loved me. As much as they hated me, they loved that Fargo strut.”
— The late Jackie Fargo,

quoted in “The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame: Tag Teams”

“He really believed in his players and made us believe in ourselves. There is no doubt he had a positive impact on my life.”
— Sandy Moore

about the late Coach Jim DeHart