Is there only good news today?
Published 12:00 am Sunday, June 9, 2013
I woke up to hear my clock radio reporting on the news today.
For once, there is no more talking about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because the USA and our allies finally established peace in both of these countries.
The Syrian dictator is no longer killing his own people because the Russians have stopped providing Assad with weapons.
Nobody died because citizens are no longer shooting guns at each other. For the first time in three months, there are no mass murders. No 6-year-old boy accidentally killed his 2-year-old sister with the rifle he was given for his birthday.
Our citizens finally came to their senses and voted on background checks for all gun owners and no guns are in the hands of the mentally ill.
There are no words of woman or children being battered today. No women have been found held hostage for several years. Also, there are no drug busts or meth labs blowing up and also, no people stopped for drunk driving.
There are no robberies today or stolen cars. There has been absolutely no fatal accident on any of the USA’s highways today.
No building has been burned down, and no policeman or fireman has been killed in their line of duty.
No senators are complaining about the state of the economy, and no president was assassinated in the world today.
All children are able to play outside, because there is no longer fear of kidnappings. People are concerned about the environment and global warming is no longer a threat. People are recycling now at an all time high.
No animal has been harmed in towns today and all puppy mills have been closed down. The rate of adoption of animals at the Humane society hit high records today.
Everybody loves everybody in the good old USA today.
Then I woke up from my dream and realized everything good that happened today, really didn’t and we had another bad news day.
I have to keep on wondering, can we ever have a news report that says, “There is only good news today?”
Jennnifer Doering lives in Salisbury