Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 31, 2013

Who is ruining the country?
The recent letters from Allan Gilmour and Susan Pharr against Obama and his spending ignore the history of U.S budgets since the ’80s, as well as the general accumulation of debt, by no means attributable to Democrats alone. From 1980-85, gross federal debt had doubled and by 1992 had quadrupled. From 2001-2009 it had doubled. Wonder who was in the White House in those years? From 1992-2001, said debt increased less than 50 percent. Was Clinton a Republican in mufti?
Apart from the ongoing budget deficits and the political liabilities associated with touching main entitlements, one should consider that, in light of monetary policy (low interest rates for some time now), the only feasible stimulus is through fiscal policy, and that means deficits. Indications are that the public is confused as usual on this count and wants less spending but without giving up things that are purchased/financed through the spending.
Since the enormous waste of money in Indochina, this nation has been heading into deficit territory, in budgets and, particularly visibly, in trade, yet people express their discontent through partisan bickering, and national consensus and cooperation are clearly lacking.
The figures are easily found in the Statistical Abstract of the United States at the local library.
I call on people to cast aside their silly passions and engage in some serious thinking about the future of this country, in my opinion, in crisis and headed for disaster.
— Richard Nash Creel
