Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The bottom line on guns:

They’re part of our heritage
Americans own guns for protection and provision.
I have often said to my boys, “I can feed us with a .22 if push came to shove.” I also would defend my loved ones to my dying breath.
I believe any man would say the same.
I know there’s a difference between a lowly .22 and a .223 Bushmaster. I also know that my ability to defend my loved ones is greater with the Bushmaster.
Here’s the bottom line. American men will fight. American men are uneasy, thus the alertness rises, causing a feeling of need for preparation.
The very media I write to reminds us of that daily.
I’m a veteran of the Vietnam War. I would have given my life for my country because I felt it was my duty. Never doubt that.
Any veteran of any war will tell you who would fight and who wouldn’t. I can personally tell you what I know. American men will fight our enemies. Here’s the reason.
It’s our heritage, and no matter the clouding of our history and attempts to demean it, it holds like an anchor. Our history portrays ancient battles and conflicts. Our forefathers battled the greatest empire on Earth at the time. The world has depended on this nation when other nations could not fend for themselves. And Americans have triumphed.
Never portray us as weaklings or unstable when it comes to our resolve. Perhaps the American public is hearing drums of discontent and the rattling of sabers and a chill in the wind.
We are very uncomfortable in our own country. We feel our enemies even among us. We cast a wary eye at the rest of the world, and we are divided and mistrustful. Reason that out!
I am reminded of five foolish girls who were unprepared. No oil for their lamps. Well, it always gets dark, and they knew there was a wedding coming.
I truly believe the truth about men and guns is: Men who will fight mean business.
— William T. Green


Fix our broken system
The system is broken. We have no leader, as the president has failed to govern according to the Constitution. In the last four years, he and Congress have failed to produce a viable budget, despite the Constitution’s provision that they do so.
I’ve previously written about the fact that our nation is suffering from a weak economy, causing painful unemployment. Yet we continue to have our troops stationed in over 100 nations. We have to borrow money to run our country and sustain a debt of almost $16.5 trillion. We have a Congress that does not represent the citizens of our country, but remains a colony of Britain whose interests are served more than our people.
I don’t understand why our government still gives foreign aid. We borrow money, then give it away! Congress passed a bill to raise taxes but refused to cut government. We do not need a Department of Education or a Department of Homeland Security (we already have the CIA and the FBI). We do not need a Department of Energy. Our State Department is inept, and Secretary Hillary Clinton should have been fired for failing to properly represent the U.S. in the Middle East.
What happened to the bill to audit the Federal Reserve? Sen. Harry Reid pigeon-holed this bill, preventing a Senate vote, contrary to the wishes of the American people.
We need to repair our infrastructure. In North Carolina, state leaders ignore the need to repair our roads and bridges. Here in Salisbury, South Fulton Street is a disgrace!
If citizens demanded elimination of all foreign aid, our country would be on the road to a strong economy with strong employment. We need to overhaul immigration. We need to rebuild our infrastructure. We need to quit wasting money rebuilding other countries that eventually hate our measure of democracy. It’s time for America to be great again. We are only as great as our people are, so demand that our broken government be fixed!
— Victor S. Farrah
