NAACP, Livingstone sponsoring trip to Raleigh for march
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 24, 2013
The Salisbury-Rowan Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, in conjunction with Livingstone College, will sponsor a bus trip to Raleigh on Saturday, Feb. 9, for the seventh Historic Thousands on Jones Street (HKonJ7) People’s Assembly Coalition Mass Mobilization. Assembly will begin at 9:30 a.m. at Shaw University on South Street and the march to the Legislative Building begins at 10:30 a.m.
According to a press release, the HKonJ coalition unites each year to visibly challenge the extremist right wing attacks on voting rights, economic justice, public education and equal protection under the law. It pushes back against radical ultra-conservative legislation which violates the rights of children, African-Americans, Hispanics, women, LGBT individuals and others who are considered “minorities.”
The nonpartisan HKonJ movement holds all lawmakers accountable to its 14-Point People’s Agenda, while rallying around the theme: “Forward together, not one step back!” The HKonJ Coalition transformed the 14-Point People’s Agenda into comprehensive reform bills that have been introduced in legislative sessions.
1. All children need high quality, well funded, constitutional, diverse schools.
2. Livable wages and support for low income people.
3. Health care for all.
4. Redress ugly chapters in N.C.’s racist history: The overthrow of biracial 1898 Wilmington
Government, the sterilization of poor, and largely black, women from 1947-1977, and the
1979 Greensboro Massacre by the KKK.
5. Expand and improve same-day registration and public financing of elections.
6. Lift every Historically Black College and University.
7. Document and redress 200 years of state discrimination in hiring and contracting.
8. Provide affordable housing and stop consumer abuse.
9. Abolish racially-biased death penalty and mandatory sentencing laws; reform prisons.
10. Promote environmental justice.
11. Collective bargaining for public employees.
12. Protect the rights of immigrants from Latin America and other nations.
13. Organize, strengthen and fund civil rights enforcement agencies and statutes now.
14. Bring our troops home from Iraq.
For more information or to reserve a seat on the bus contact Valeria Levy at 704-293-3504 or e-mail