Letters to the editor – Tuesday (12-11-2012)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Volunteering is a great gift
for our local community
What I’ve always loved most about living and working here in Rowan County (and North Carolina in general) is the people. In fact, I can’t think of any place I’d rather live. Even with religious and political differences, we move past them when it comes to helping those in need. Personally, I agree with what Benjamin Franklin said … “that the most acceptable service we render Him is doing good to His other children.” There are many local charitable organizations to choose from, and no one can support them all. But we can all do our part. We can help make a difference.
For instance, there’s a local Meals on Wheels program. I encourage anyone who can volunteer an hour or so each week (or even once each month) to contact them. It would be a shame if they have to cut back on some of their routes due to a lack of volunteers. As you drive one of these routes making your deliveries, the people you visit soon become old friends that you’re anxious to see again.
There’s also Rowan Helping Ministries. They help needy people throughout the county, and even entire families sometimes find themselves needing food and shelter. Volunteering here, meeting the people who benefit from this temporary assistance, can be quite humbling; because none of us knows what tomorrow might hold.
And most of all, I think contributing to the Wounded Warriors Project is among the greatest of all. Wounded veterans have given much more than their fair share to ensure that we continue to enjoy our liberty and freedom.
So, with Christmas almost here and any New Year’s resolutions coming right behind it, it’s the perfect time to consider becoming a volunteer next year for whatever charity you choose to support.
— Steve Pender
Rockwell (steve1776@hotmail.com)
An amazing concert
On Sunday, Dec. 9, the Salisbury Ecumenical Choir presented its annual Christmas concert. It was amazing!
This group, made up of volunteers from 30 churches in our area, brought the spirit of Christmas to Salisbury. The soloists, Dr. Grant Harrison, Teresa Moore-Mitchell and Rebecca Stinson ,gave stellar perfomances. This group sang several selections from Handel’s masterpiece, “The Messiah.” They performed it as well as any professionally trained choir in the country. Listening to Dr. Harrison and Teresa Moore-Mitchell’s solos was like listening to the angel choir itself. Likewise, Rebecca Stinson, a perennial favorite, literally thrilled the audience with her annointed voice. Someone sitting near me said that if you can’t feel the spirit when Rebecca Stinson sings, then you have been dead for three days but don’t know it! Every endeavor needs a leader and Dr. Phillip Burgess fills that need with brillance and enthusiasm. Simply stated, he is the best there is.
If you missed this concert, I am truly sorry because you missed the best concert of the holiday season.
— Danny Key
Security is important
I have been noticing a very disturbing trend in robberies of college students in Salisbury. Since the local colleges and the city are the ones charged with the care of the students, something needs to be done to apprehend those who are preying on the students. This is also a major problem for the city since these institutions and the students pump millions of dollars into the city on a yearly basis. If the city is deemed to be unsafe, the students will stop coming to the institutions and the result will impact the city also. It is my sincere hope that the students and residents will be able to take advantage of the services found in the city without the fear of being robbed.
— Augustus L. Jones Sr.
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