Letters to the editor – Friday (11-23-2012)

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 28, 2012

World’s problems arise from mankind, not God
In reply to “Honest atheism” (Nov. 20 letter):
Mankind is where problems arise with Christianity, not God. God from the beginning allowed mankind to make choices. God could have easily created a world full of robots. He has always required obedience to Him and allowed personal choice with consequence. Mankind has always had difficulty with self concerning that obedience and has and will continue reaping the consequences.
The Bible is God’s pattern for mankind, with instruction for becoming and remaining Christian. Just because I call myself Christian does not make me a Christian. It is the choice of each of us to be obedient to God’s pattern for becoming Christian and remaining faithful or follow some man. Those you mention in your letter and their ways are of man and, if followed, will cost you not only money but also your soul as will practicing atheism.
If you would like to hear the Bible taught, go to www.gbntv.org and report in your next letter how much money they ask you to send. I am sure there are plenty of atheists who can out write and outwit me but no one will ever outwit God.
– Jimmy Kinley