Letters to the editor – Saturday (10-20-2012)
Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 20, 2012
Conservative candidates are better choice
I am proud to be a conservative Republican and wish that everyone else was the same. But since they aren’t, I feel compelled to answer the letters in which the Liberalcrats have suggested we vote for their candidate(s) of choice.
Leading the ticket for the Donkey Party is Bill Battermann, described as champion of all liberal causes. Harry Warren has done just fine representing Rowan County in the N.C. House of Representatives, and I can see no reason to change horses in mid-stream. Representative Warren is fiscally conservative, which is what we need more of in elective offices. Of course, if you want Obamanomics to lead us closer to socialism and financial disaster, by all means, vote for liberal Democrats.
As to the Rowan County Commission, only two choices are available: Mike Caskey and Craig Pierce. We badly need a conservative board of commissioners without the retreads and liberal wannabes to screw up county business.
As to the Board of Education, I am still pondering what useful purpose that body serves. Some members (like the Salisbury City Council) have grown to their seats like so much moss to a tree. Shouldn’t there be a place on the ballot to call for disbanding the Board of Education?
As useless as they are, school boards are still with us, so if you must vote for a board member, please make sure it doesn’t sign a Ph.D. after its name. Jim Emerson needs to go. He has long outlived his usefulness. Then there is Bryce Beard, who gave us the gift that keeps on giving – and taking – when he had the bright idea of bringing Judy Grissom to Salisbury. Get rid of the moss; vote Republican.
– Bill Ward
Battermann for N.C. House
Although there is much controversy among and about political candidates, there is a man I believe in and feel he will do what is best for our citizens. I have made my decision to vote for Bill Battermann for the N.C. House Seat 77. Through his experience as a pastor and a teacher, he has shown that he will listen to and stand up for the people. He is well educated and is a good man, one who is trustworthy. One of his main priorities is to educate our children and offer job training for adults, which affects most of us.
I am a third-generation Republican, but with two choices for the House seat, I will cross political lines and vote for William H. Battermann on Election Day.
– Norman Wagoner
Vote for my mom
I would like to recommend Lynn Marsh for Rowan-Salisbury School Board, Seat 7. Over the past 37 years of my life, regardless of all her titles, I have always called Lynn ” Mom.”
I am truly proud and honored that she instilled within me a passion for the advancement and protection of all children. I have seen firsthand her commitment to our children and educators in Rowan County. Her record as an administrator and teacher shows fiscal responsibility and also accountability to produce results needed in the Rowan-Salisbury School System. I have also seen her greatest characteristic, compassion. She has committed her life to helping children succeed, no matter their limitations.
Please vote for my mom, Dr. Lynn Marsh for Rowan Salisbury School Board.
– Matthew Marsh
China Grove
Susan Cox for School Board
We have known Susan Cox for more than 25 years. She is an educator of good character who is dedicated to her convictions to make a difference in our school system. Being a former teacher herself, her top priority will be working for the concerns of the teachers, parents and students in providing quality education for our students. With Susan’s ability to work with others, she will be an asset to the School Board, and we can trust her to make wise decisions. Please vote for Susan Cox for School Board.
– Drs. Jim and Linda Duncan
Thanks for card help
Thanks be to God and our soldiers for the card ministry that has fulfilled many hours in my life. We now have 650 recently deployed N.C. National Guardsmen overseas who will be there for quite some time. I have several ladies who enjoy recycling cards and have now exhausted our supply of those. Thanks to those of you who have supplied cards, envelopes and financial support this year. If anyone has used greeting cards to give away, please call me at 704-278-9355 or e-mail me at lindainthecards@gmail.com.
– Linda Beck
Endorsement deadline
Letters endorsing candidates in the Nov. 6 election must be received at the Salisbury Post by 5 p.m., Oct. 30.