Renee Bradshaw new Family Crisis Council director
Published 12:00 am Saturday, September 8, 2012
The Board of Directors of the Family Crisis Council of Rowan County has named Renee Bradshaw as its executive director.
Bradshaw brings more than 20 years of experience to the agency through her years in the banking industry. Her skills in management, outreach and community involvement will be a great asset to the Family Crisis Council of Rowan County, according to board members.
Board of Directors President Sandy Walser said she has been very happy with the commitment and dedication Bradshaw has shown since she was hired. Walser also said the board looks forward to continuing that relationship with Bradshaw as they “move forward into the next chapter for the Family Crisis Council.”
“She’s brought a tremendous amount of dedication commitment and passion,” Walser said.
Bradshaw has made it her mission to bring Family Crisis Council to the forefront of the Rowan County community.
“Family Crisis Council’s success depends on the collaboration of the key members in Rowan County such as Rowan Regional Medical Center, the Rowan County District Attorney’s office, Rowan County Court system, Salisbury Police Department and the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office,” Bradshaw said.
She said the key to making Salisbury a safer place to live is communication with other community agencies that assist victims in Rowan County. “My goal is to assist our local schools and college campuses in the prevention of the spread of domestic violence and sexual assault in our community,” Bradshaw said.
Bradshaw graduated from Catawba College with a BBA degree in business management. She has held several volunteer positions in the community during her banking career. She was the secretary of the Salisbury-Rowan County Home Builders Association and president of the Salisbury-Rowan Home Builders Women’s Council. Bradshaw was also president of the Kannapolis Civitan Club and a graduate of Leadership Rowan.
She is an active member of First Presbyterian Church in Salisbury. Bradshaw, who is a native of Salisbury, is the daughter of Burt Harris and the late Araminta Harris of Salisbury. She is married to Chris Bradshaw and has one son who lives Charlotte.
Family Crisis Council of Rowan County was founded in 1976 by the Rowan County Council on the Status of Women. It began as a committee of concerned citizens to study the need for services to women and children of domestic violence. In April 1979, the council became a member agency of Rowan County United Way and depends on the agency’s support to help victims.
Family Crisis Council maintains a 24/7 domestic violence and sexual assault hotline, shelter, hospital advocate, court advocate and off-site group sessions for women and children who are victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Family Crisis Council is governed by a 15-member board of directors; its programs are administered and implemented by a staff of seven full-time and seven part-time employees, along with 66 volunteers.
In 2011, Family Crisis Council responded to more than 943 hotline calls and offered emergency housing to 287 women and children, as well as providing 73 outreach trainings.
For more information, contact Bradshaw at or call 704-636-4718 ext. 1050.