Letters to the editor – Saturday (7-28-2012)
Published 12:00 am Friday, July 27, 2012
Voters should be skeptical of candidates’ statements
One of my least favorite things about our political system (out of the hundreds of flaws I see) is that voters have a habit of believing whatever their candidates say about the opposition. Media is created by whoever has the money to create it, putting out “facts” with varying levels of actual truth in them that we gobble up like Skittles.
Both parties do it.
Then voters go to the polls only knowing half (of half) of a story. How can we possibly claim to be voting on representatives for our communities when almost no one does their homework on the issues? Then a ridiculously low number of people turn up to vote!)
I suggest that we all start listening to each other (and checking our facts) before acting like uncompromising stalwarts of our parties, echoing the most recent statistics from a commercial we heard on TV.
We’d all get a lot more done.
And I’m making this suggestion to “all” levels of government.
— Holly Czuba
Sidewalk ramp appreciated
This is a copy of a thank-you letter sent to Craig Powers, Street Division manager for the city of Salisbury.
Dear Mr. Powers:
I genuinely appreciated the extra effort on behalf of your department to find funds to place a handicap curb ramp on South Clay Street and Old Concord Road.
The placement of the curb will allow me to maneuver my mother safely on the sidewalk and not with traffic in the street. Other wheelchair-bound persons can also enjoy the security of not falling from the non-curb ramp while visiting the park or shopping in the area
Thank you for the telephone call to keep me abreast of the placing of the handicap curb ramp.
Lincoln Carpenters Corner community thanks you again for a job well done.
Please continue to serve the taxpayers of the City of Salisbury as your funds become available.
— Flora White
Standing by Chick-fil-A
Hooray for Chick-fil-A, and eat more chicken! Moooo.
— Sam L. Hoffman