Historic Salisbury Foundation: After restoration
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Last Tuesday on this same page, the Post showed you “before” photographs of these same two structures, the Bell Block Building at South Main and East Fisher streets, and the Centennial Building diagonally across from it at South Main and West Fisher streets. The Bell Block Building — today the home of The Thread Shed — was donated to Historic Salisbury Foundation by Belk Harry, leading to its preservation. The Centennial Building (formerly the Robert Rowan Crawford store) was bought by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Norvell, who worked through the foundation to put preservation covenants on the building. Doug Robinson identified both buildings correctly from last week’s “before” photos, and Richard Bomen correctly identified the Bell Block Building. As part of its 40th anniversary celebration, Historic Salisbury Foundation will offer up another before-after contest in June. Toward the end of the year, the foundation will give a prize to the person who cumulatively has the most correct answers from the monthly contests.