Meet The Players: Salisbury's Chase Etters
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Name: Chase Etters
School: Salisbury
Sports: Baseball, NASCAR, MMA
Family: Dad Steve, Mom Kim, sisters Katiearl and Casiann
Birth date: Jan. 24, 1994
Nickname: Chase
Hidden talent: Flipping burgers
Personal motto: Strive for greatness
Job: Cici’s Pizza
Top restaurant: Pinocchio’s
Favorite color: Red
Favorite animal: Honey Badger
Favorite class: Personal Finance
Favorite TV: SportsCenter
Favorite movie: Water Boy
Favorite team: Panthers
Favorite athlete: Riley Myers
Favorite musician: Paul Dandison
Words that best describe me: Confident, proud, dedicated
Celebrity dream date: Betty White
Actor starring in the movie of my life: Denzel Washington
Biggest rival: Tyler Blackwell
Career goal: CEO
Greatest accomplishment: Going to college
Prized possession: Family
If I’m a millionaire by age 20, I will: Be a happy 20-year-old