Former firefighters, officer found not guilty in stun gun incident
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 16, 2012
By Shavonne Potts
EAST SPENCER — Two former East Spencer firefighters and a former police officer were found not guilty this week during a non-jury trial five months after a junior firefighter was shocked with a stun gun.
The incident was said to have occurred at a department Christmas party. The two firefighters — former Chief Shane Cranfield and former Assistant Chief Allen Carlyle — were accused of using a stun gun on junior firefighter John Resino, 18.
According to arrest warrants, the stun gun came from former East Spencer Police Officer James Lambeth.
Resino was shocked at least nine times, but the stun gun showed it had been discharged about 18 times in three minutes.
Lambeth was charged with misdemeanor aiding and abetting as well as misdemeanor willful failure to discharge duties. Five days after the incident, he resigned from the police department. He was a part-time employee of the town.
Cranfield and Carlyle were both charged with simple assault.
All three were found not guilty in district court before Judge Kevin Eddinger.
Contact reporter Shavonne Potts at 704-797-4253.