Riot in the Pasture set for May 20
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 9, 2012
SALISBURY — Bread Riot, a local food advocacy non-profit, takes inspiration for its name from an actual revolt in Rowan County during the Civil War when flour and other food supplies were hoarded by merchants as families starved.
On May 20, there will be no hoarding of food at the second annual Riot in the Pasture. In fact, food will be the feature attraction. A farm-to-fork meal prepared by local chefs with locally sourced ingredients aims to educate area residents about the bounty of fresh, diverse foods grown and raised by their neighboring farmers. The event will kick off at 3 p.m., dinner will be served at 5 p.m. and the evening will wrap up by 7 p.m.
Where is Riot in the Pasture?
The 2012 Riot in the Pasture will be hosted by Hoffner Organic Farms. Hoffner’s is a dairy and grain farm which is part of the Organic Valley co-op. The farm has been in the family since 1956 and continues to be a family affair. Besides dairy cattle, Hoffner Organic Farms raises wheat, corn and barley as feed for their herd. They also sell barley to NC malters and brewers who want local ingredients. They also grind and sell flour for baking from their organic wheat. In case of inclement weather, check the website,, or follow signs to the rain location.
Where can I purchase tickets?
Advance tickets are $17 per adult and $8 per child. You can buy tickets online at using PayPal or at the following Salisbury locations: Pottery 101, Sweet Meadow Café, Literary Bookpost, Green Goat Gallery (Spencer), Cooper’s, Metcalf Chiropractic, at the Bread Riot Friday Night Out booth (in front of Pottery 101) and at the Salisbury Farmer’s Market (Red Barn Market’s booth). Tickets are limited. If available, they will be sold at the event for $25 per adult and $12 per child.
What other activities will be going on?
In addition to a fantastic meal, there will be farm tours, children’s activities, yoga in the pasture and live musical entertainment featuring No. 9 Coal. Morgan Ridge Vineyards and Cauble Creek Vineyard and Pisgah Brewing Company, who uses Hoffner’s barley, will be onsite, selling local wine and beer.
What should I bring?
Bring a chair or a blanket for seating and a hat and sunscreen; it is a Riot in the Pasture, after all. There will be plenty of ice water to keep you cool through the afternoon, but feel free to bring your own cooler and beverages, as well. In the spirit of sustainability, we will be using compostable plates, cups, napkins and utensils.
How do I get to Riot in the Pasture?
Hoffner Organic Farms is located at 1030 Kerr Mill Road, near Sloan Park, off Highway 150 between Salisbury and Mooresville. Directional signs to the event and for parking will be posted on surrounding roads. Please be aware that the Tom Cowden 5K is occurring just prior to Riot in the Pasture in the same area. Be watchful for runners and mindful of possible road detours.
Sponsors for the event include Simply Good, Pottery 101, Literary Bookpost, Grayshores Trading Company, The LandTrust for Central North Carolina, Bame Farms, Urban Driftwood, Salisbury Art Station, Farm Fresh Market Place, Metcalf Chiropractic, Jon Welch, M.D. Rowan Diagnostic Clinic, Center for the Environment at Catawba College, Chris Nagy, M.D., Salisbury Pediatrics, DSI, Sweet Meadow Café.
Bread Riot is a local foods advocacy group whose mission is to cultivate a thriving local economy by facilitating a supply of locally produced food, utilizing sustainable farming practices and focusing on whole-life issues, education and environmental concern. Bread Riot is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization based in Rowan County.