Central North Carolina Boy Scouts recognizes adult leaders
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The Central North Carolina Boy Scouts of America recently hosted its Annual Leader’s Recognition banquet to recognize adult leaders for their commitment in leading and serving thousands of young people throughout a seven county administrative area.
David Hamilton, Eagle Scout and keynote speaker, recognized and voiced appreciation to each adult for his or her legacy in the development of personal character for every young person who crosses their path.
National recognition of the council was made for excellent program and membership growth, financial stability and local service and support.
A highlight of the banquet program was the presentation of the Silver Beaver Award, the highest award that can be given to an adult volunteer for distinguished service by a local Scouting council. The first such prestigious award was presented by the Central N.C. Council in 1935.
Silver Beaver awards
• Timothy Neal Agner is an Eagle Scout who has returned through his leadership a vision that focuses on what is in the best interest of Scouting, inspiring both boys and adults with his “can do” spirit, enthusiasm and creativity.
Tim has been a den leader, Assistant Scoutmaster and troop committee member and has assumed many district and council roles. He has been chairman or chief architect of numerous Scout shows and fall and spring Boy Scout camporees and since 2007, has facilitated a combined Cub and Scout Roundtable with vibrant monthly programs and an attendance often topping 60.
He is at the forefront of council programming, including as a staff leader at both the last and the upcoming Woodbadge courses, program chairman for the Camp John J. Barnhardt 45th Anniversary Camporee and a member of the upcoming CSI: CJJB event.
Two years ago, with time running very short before the scheduled and previously announced 2010 Centennial Camporee, Agner agreed to be chairman with no deliberation regarding the huge challenges and time commitments that might await him.
Tim is an active member of the St. Matthews Lutheran Church congregation and is Manager of Engineering Services at Carolina Stalite Company. He and his wife, Mary Jo, and their family live in Salisbury.
• William Ralph Carpenter is an Eagle Scout and has long been faithful and loyal to Scouting’s mission, purpose and impact. Much of his energy and service has been focused on Camp John J. Barnhardt where he has provided guidance, material support, and many hours to countless maintenance and renovation projects, frequent Beaver Days in preparation for annual summer camp sessions and varied program events.
Ralph has been in an adult leadership role for many years and served either as an Assistant Scoutmaster or Scoutmaster for 17 years. He has assisted with numerous Boy Scout camporees and Cub Scout Webelos crossover ceremonies.
A Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow, he has been deliberate and conscientious in the building, strengthening and promoting of the lofty ideals, meaningful traditions and important history of this addition to the council Scouting program.
Ralph is an active and supportive member of his church and has given many hours of volunteer time to its work projects as well as to the Cooperative Christian Ministries and Kannapolis Kares.
He and his wife, Tricia, live in Kannapolis and are members of Trinity United Methodist Church.
• Roy Glenn Dixon, Jr. is an Eagle Scout who has served, and continues to serve, his unit, district and council. He has been a Cub Scout Tiger and den leader and pack committee member as well as an Assistant Scoutmaster.
Glenn serves as president of the Salisbury High School Athletic Booster club and is an active and supportive member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church congregation. A primary focus, however, is the giving of his time, talent and expertise to causes that lift up and encourage young people with mental and physical challenges. He has been a board member of the Association of Retarded Citizens, is founder of its signature fund-raising event and is the organizer and a coach of a modified baseball league.
He is also national vice president of the CdLS Foundation, a family support organization that exists to provide early and accurate diagnosis, promote research into the causes, and show members how to make informed care decisions throughout their lives.
To these things is added his service as the voice of the much appreciated Rowan District Chairman for eight years.
Several years ago, this professionally trained attorney addressed the attendees at the council Annual Leader’s Banquet, saying that the law was only the minimum standard for citizenship in this country. True citizenship is to treat others in a manner of graciousness, to walk on a path of service and to visibly strive and have a constant desire to do what is right and good.
He and his wife, the Honorable Beth Dixon, and their family live in Salisbury.
• Greg Steven Fisher is a mainstay in the ongoing of unit, district and council Scouting program. He is relied and depended upon for many volunteer tasks requiring his talents, interests and gifts.
Always ready to offer a helpful and encouraging word, Fisher has been a Webelos leader and Assistant Cubmaster, troop advancement chairman and assistant Scoutmaster. He currently serves as Scoutmaster, is a tenured member of an Eagle Board of Review and serves as a district training committee chairman.
As a member of the Order of the Arrow, Fisher embraces the ideal of “cheerful service.” He is at all council events, including outdoor games, Gold Rush and Learning for Life Field Day, and has been a member and Commissioner of the Camp John J. Barnhardt summer staff for the past 12 years.
He and his wife, Nichole, and family live in Kannapolis and attend New Hope Lutheran Church.
• Harry Wayne Helms has served as an adult leader in Scouting for over 40 years. His experience includes service overseas as well as the assumption of the role of District Commissioner in two separate districts in this council. He has also served in the roles of Cubmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster and Scoutmaster.
Wayne has been involved for 29 summers as a staff member of Cub Scout Day Camp and has been on the faculty of the Commissioner College. As a Vigil member of the Order of the Arrow, he has served as a chapter adviser and presently serves as a unit commissioner and a district camporee chairman. In 2010, he was a member of the Centennial Camporee staff.
For many years, his major hobby focus on radio communications has offered unlimited opportunity to the district and council in the organization and implementation of the Jamboree on the Air. He also serves in the key function of manager for a local Amateur Radio Emergency Services team.
He and his wife, Cathy, live in Kannapolis and are active members of the Royal Oaks Baptist Church Congregation. He has served as a Firefighter/Engineer for the Kannapolis Fire Department for 32 years.