Salisbury Academy participates in Battle of the Books

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A dozen fourth- and fifth-graders at Salisbury Academy participated in the 2011-12 regional season of Elementary Battle of the Books.
The North Carolina School Library Association sponsors competitions for both elementary and middle schools. Beginning in the fall of the school term, students choose to participate on their school’s Battle of the Books team. Throughout the year, students read, review, discuss and prepare to be quizzed on their knowledge of each book they read. Much like a book club, the students meet weekly to discuss the books they read. Faculty members Melissa Brown, the school’s literacy specialist, and Angela Graham, the media center specialist, are the team coaches.
The Battle of the Books competition format is team-based. A moderator poses a question to an individual on the team. After conferring with other team members, the named participant gives the answer. Questions about the books range from the obvious to the obscure, providing a mounting challenge as the gamers advance through continuing rounds.
Books read by the students are chosen by the North Carolina School Library Association. This year there were 16 novels to read. Favorites among the students included “The World According to Humphrey,” “Where the Mountain Meets the Moon,” “Blue” and “Kenny and the Dragon.”
On March 9, Salisbury Academy’s Lower School Battle of the Books team finished in second place in the regional competition, hosted by Burlington Day School. Team members representing Salisbury Academy this year were Annabel Barr, Marshall Overcash, Mitch Jeter, Hank Robins, Jessica Jensen, Tina Tiwatri, Sarah Clifton, Taron Lilly, Caitlin Hattaway, Brittney Ervin, Roshen Amin and Dominic Capito.