Fundraising events for Relay for Life kick off this week
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Relay For Life of Rowan County is grateful for the many volunteers, sponsors and people in the community who work with them to conquer cancer. At the Relay on May 4, the committee hopes that many come out to support them and the teams. Here are some activities designed to help meet the fundraising goal while providing some fun.
• Beginning Friday, the city of Salisbury Relay team will have starter plants and daylilies for sale to benefit Relay For Life. Most will sell for $1 each. Contact Niki, 704-638-2098, or ncast@salisburync. gov for more information.
• Saturday is Paint the County Purple day. A $5 donation to the American Cancer Society for a purple bow shows support for Relay For Life. Contact a team member or call Mary 980-234-4479 or email m_knapp@bellsouth. net.
• The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office hosts a Yard Sale for Relay For Life April 28 at 7 a.m. at the parking lot next to the courthouse. You may donate items by calling Capt. Tim Wyrick at 704-216-8716; all proceeds of donated goods will go directly to Relay For Life. People may rent a space to have their own sale for a $20 donation. Contact Wyrick or Kathy Barringer, 704-216-8767. There will be hotdogs for sale.
• The 6th Annual Relay For Life Car Show takes place Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Faith Cruisers team, led by Carolyn and Carrie Rogers, asks people to register their car, truck or motorcycle by calling 704-279-5053 or email The event will be at Faith Legion Park and will include food and children’s games, as well as drawings and a chance to vote for the favorite of the show for a “people’s choice” award.
• The Relay 2012 Cancer Survivors and Caregivers Dinner will be held Saturday at J.F. Hurley YMCA. Registration begins at 4 p.m. with dinner at 5 p.m. prepared by the team at Wittenburg Lutheran Church. To pre-register, call Mary at 980-234-4479 or email to reserve a place. Last year, about 300 people attended.
• Finish Saturday’s festivities with the fifth annual Dance For Life at Salisbury Elks Lodge, 508 S. Main St., hosted by the Friends for Life team. A donation of $15 per person includes music by a DJ, light refreshments, raffle drawing and the crowning of a Relay queen and king for the evening. Dress is business to semi-formal and a cash bar will be available. For tickets, contact a team member or Tonya at 704-640-2256 or The dance is dedicated in honor of all cancer survivors and in memory of those deceased.
• The 2012 Cauble Creek Photography Invitational continues through Sunday, April 22 at the vineyard at 700 Cauble Farm Road. Photos by local artists may be bought; a percentage of the sale will benefit Relay For Life. For information, contact the vineyard at 704-633-1137 or see
• Join the F&M Bank’s Dream Team on Wednesday, April 25, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. for Dogs for a Cause Lunchtime Block Party on Easy Street at the F&M Financial Center. The $5 lunches include two hot dogs, chips, soda and dessert with extras available at single-item prices. Indoor seating will be available in the F&M Trolley Barn. For additional information, contact Tonya at 704-762-2264 or email
• Friday, April 27, get a glow on with a Relay For Life Zumbathon Glow Party from 7:15-10 p.m. at the Saleeby-Fisher YMCA (East Rowan branch). Donation is $10 at registration at 7 p.m., and the first 50 participants to register receive a glow necklace. DJ Lethal provides music and lighting at the Y, 790 Crescent Road, Rockwell. For information call 704-279-1742.
• On Saturday, April 28, Relay events cover the county. In Cleveland, the UAW/Freightliner team hosts a Freightliner Fest with a yard sale and food and crafts from 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. Space fees cost a donation of $25 to Relay For Life/Bark For Life. For full information, contact Kim, 704-278-0280, or email or message Kim Julian on Facebook.
• In Rockwell at Ursinus United Church of Christ, 16 W. Main St., Rockwell, the Sweet Potato Queens host an indoor Relay Yard Sale from 8 a.m.-noon. All proceeds go to Relay For Life. Contact Cindy, 704-647-9560, or email
• Also in Rockwell, join B.J. & Friends at Cornhole for a Cause at 1020 Crescent Road at 11:30 a.m. Donation is $20 per person and teams will be formed by blind draw. Lunch will be provided. All proceeds go to Relay For Life of Rowan County. Contact Chuck at 704-680-7032.
• The Livin’ Good Livengood team hosts the seventh annual Livengood Relay For Life Golf Tournament on Saturday, April 28, at Corbin Hills Golf Club. Registration starts at 12:30 p.m., followed by a hamburger/hot dog lunch. Play begins at 2 p.m. with shotgun start in captain’s choice format. Cost is $50 per golfer/$200 per four-person team. For registration and information, contact Jeff at 704-279-8348 or Pete at 704-279-7057.
• Relay For Life is an overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs of the American Cancer Society. During the event, teams of people gather and take turns walking or running laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times.
The 2012 Rowan County Relay will be May 4-5. Brittney Barnhardt is the event chair. Contact Lee Ann Freeze statonla@rss.k12. For information or services of the American Cancer Society — or 1-800-ACS-2345 (227-2345). See also Visit us on Facebook: Rowan County Relay For Life.