After winter break, Salisbury Farmers Market welcomes customers
Published 12:00 am Monday, April 16, 2012
By Sarah Campbell
SALISBURY — Seven-year-old Ella Trainor has been waiting all winter long to devour a tasty cookie from the Salisbury Farmers Market.
Saturday the wait was over.
“It’s worth it,” she said, beaming with a bright smile as she pulled the cookie from its protective sleeve for a quick bite.
Lisa, Ella’s mother, said the two frequent the market, buying everything from fresh produce to geraniums.
“We love to support our local farms and bakeries,” she said. “And it’s a great place to see our friends.
“We wait for it all winter.”
The Trainors weren’t the only ones waiting, Linda Kyle has been asking her husband, Zack, about opening day for weeks.
“It makes me happy to be here, I see some of the same people year after year,” she said.
The Kyles typically pick up vegetables like squash and potatoes, but Saturday they walked away with a pot of bright red petunias.
“I like to support the local farmers and give them my money because I know how hard they work,” Linda Kyle said.
Peg Uza and her husband, Bill, bought a bag of granola from Bread Basket co-owner Emma Martin.
Saturday was only their second trip to the Salisbury Farmers Market; the couple moved to town from Massachusetts at the tail end of last season.
“We couldn’t wait for the opening this year,” Peg Uza said.
The pair plan to purchase plants from the market after they get their landscaping projects under way.
Although they said fresh, local produce will be the primary draw, the Kyles were also impressed with the variety of eats available.
“I’m kind of surprised about all the nice baked goods,” Bill Uza said.
Martin offers everything from yeast bread to cinnamon rolls at the Bread Basket’s spot at the market.
She also grinds up the wheat herself to make whole wheat, seven grain and wheat sourdough breads.
“I like being able to offer the public a better, healthier product that is fresh,” Martin said.
Ron and Diana Potts stop by the farmers market at least once a week after the season kicks off.
“I’m really glad it’s back,” Diana Potts said. “It’s wonderful, I enjoy it immensely.”
The couple like to browse as many of the vendors as possible.
“We buy everything from food to flowers,” Diana Potts said.
Jerry File of Rockwell has unique wares for sale at the market, wooden birdhouses crafted out of leftover lumber and dressed up with vintage door knobs and a variety of other knick knacks.
“I enjoy looking for things I might be able to use,” he said. “I call them folk art because each one is different.”
File said he spends the bulk of his winter building the birdhouses to sell during the warmer months.
James Stirewalt was raised on a farm and used to grow most of his own vegetables, but he said as he grows older he relies more on the farmers market for his produce.
“I usually buy your mainline produce like beets, potatoes, cantaloupes and strawberries,” he said.
Stirewalt said he prefers to get his strawberries from Miller Produce’s table at the market.
“They’re just delicious,” he said.
Wendy Yates of Miller Produce said strawberries and corn are typically the farms bestsellers at the market.
Right now, Yates said the farm has tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, potatoes, and both red leaf and romaine lettuce.
A lot goes into making sure things are ready for the farmers market to open, she said.
“A lot of picking has to be done and we go through everything to make sure it’s good because we pack it all up,” Yates said.
Yates said as a family friend who helps at the market she’s always happy when it opens up again.
“It’s great, I love being up here,” she said.
The Salisbury Farmers Market is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to noon. Learn more at
Contact reporter Sarah Campbell at 704-797-7683.