Letters to the editor – Tuesday (4-10-2012)

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 13, 2012

Veterans office complaints unfairly target Howe
Regarding the April 8 article “Veterans Services office drawing complaints”:
Those few who have complained about Elaine Howe need to do some research. Why don’t they complain about how Rowan County treats veterans? Rowan County should go to Lexington and see how Davidson County provides for its veterans.
Elaine works out of a “rats’ nest.” She is one woman that is expected to process disability claims; assist widows with their claims; educate veterans on how to provide information necessary to file a claim; maintain and file all materials pertaining to any claim. And then answer the phone — which if she did, no one would get a claim processed as the phone never stops.
Elaine, a veteran herself, has proven over the years her care for veterans. o one in this county attends as many monthly veteran functions as does Elaine. No one in this county does as much work for the veteran as Elaine. Check it out and learn the truth.
— George Bass
Criticism of brother unfair
As one of Tom Murphy’s two sisters, I read with interest and with incredulity the article regarding Jim Sides’ accusations against Tom, his beratement of Tom’s job performance and yes, of his character as well. I feel compelled to stand with my brother and state that if there is anyone in the world who is honest, guileless, a man of integrity, and who will always stand for what is right, it is Tom Murphy.
I grew up with him, fought with him, laughed with him and saw him grow to become a man of faith, a family man and one who has an impeccable work ethic. I don’t know Mr. Sides, and I have no desire to know him. By calling Tom out in a public hearing, Mr. Sides displayed a certain meanness of spirit, and perhaps a slight self-esteem issue of his own.
I know my brother, and I know he takes his job as fire marshal very seriously and would never, ever knowingly shirk his responsibility to the people whom he serves.
— Jean Murphy Lindsay
Jacksonville, Fla.
A good homecoming
I meant to write sooner. We went to the Vietnam Veterans Homecoming at Charlotte Motor Speedway on March 31. It was very good, and we met a lot of nice people.
My husband is retired Army; he did three tours in Vietnam. The chaplain gave a very good prayer. (I told my husband that I knew the ACLU was lurking around some where)
My husband said when mortars started coming in, they ran to the fox holes, and there was never an atheist in the bunker because everyone was praying.
— Catherine Sommers
Vietnam vets conference
While Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 909, Concord, was representing the organization at the Speedway event, the seven-state region three annual VVA conference was being held in Asheville. The VVA is a Vietnam veterans’ charity and major advocacy organization.
The keynote speaker was retired U.S. Army Col. Walter J. Marm, a Medal of Honor recipient. Colonel Marm is an humble and gentle warrior who gave more accolades to Lt. Gen. Hal Moore, Joe Galloway and his comrades in arms than himself. Galloway will be at a book signing on May 17 at Richards’ Coffee shop in Mooresville.
The opening ceremony was celebrated by the Montagnard people, who are being subjected to genocide in their homeland. Ten thousand Montagnards are living in Asheboro, assisted by Special Forces veterans who served with them in Vietnam.
The conference seminars’ topics included the aging veteran and family relationships.
The closing ceremony was performed by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Earlier, they participated in an emotional exchange of tokens with the Montagnards.
— J.H. Stanley
J.H. Stanley (Sp. 5, U.S. Army, 1967-1969) is first vice president of VVA Chapter 909 in Concord.