LandTrust plans cleanup day in Spencer Woods March 24
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The LandTrust for Central North Carolina is hosting a cleanup day at the Spencer Woods property on Saturday, March 24, beginning at 9 a.m. and ending by noon.
The organization is seeking individuals and groups interested in participating in this event.
“One of the issues identified at the recent planning charrette for the property was that it needs a good thorough cleaning,” says Andrew Waters, operations director at The LandTrust. “We’ve had a lot of calls from people who want to get involved. Our goal is to get the property looking great for spring and summer and start building a team of volunteers for future park development.”
Please wear old clothes and shoes that can get wet. Other supplies will be provided.
Follow LandTrust signs to one-way parking on Rowan Avenue, headed south to north. Directions are below.
The 40-acre Spencer Woods property, bounded by Salisbury Avenue, 17th Street, Rowan Avenue and others, was slated to be clear-cut, graded flat, and re-planted in loblolly pine trees in 2010. The LandTrust acquired the property in 2011 and is working with the town of Spencer to create a publicly accessible natural preserve in honor of Fred and Alice Stanback, longtime conservation advocates in Rowan County and across North Carolina.
For more information about this event, please call 704-647-0302 or send e-mail to
To reach the Spencer Woods property, turn north onto 17th Street from North Main Street in Salisbury. At the first intersection turn right/north onto South Rowan Avenue and follow the LandTrust signs to one-way parking along the street. Participants who approach the property on Rowan Avenue from Spencer, heading south, will be asked to continue to the end of the road and turn around so they can park in a northward facing direction in order to insure an open traffic lane along Rowan Avenue.