Letters to the editor – Tuesday 2-28-2012

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lawmaker pensions outpace teachers’
As a retired N.C. teacher, I feel so grateful to know that our parttime lawmakers are receiving such a lovely increase — more than 30 percent — to their pension and as a result are making at least twice the amount a teacher with 25 years of experience receives upon retirement. It makes me feel so satisfied to see that our self-centered lawmakers are looking out for the welfare of their constituents. After all they do need to take care of us — because who fills up the accounts they are drawing those big raises from?
— Annick Nurisso
‘Forgive them’
It is true that Jesus did say to pray in private. In Matthew 6:6 where this passage appears, the context is to do all acts in private, ranging from charitable acts to fasting. Also, the warning of the entire chapter is to focus on God the Father, not yourself.
That is what Jesus said. What he did is quite the opposite. In what can be argued as Jesus’ most important prayer, it was very public. Perhaps he was thinking of the anti-Christian and anti-prayer folks. You will find this passage in Luke 23:34, in which Jesus says, publicly, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
— Jeff Vail
Space to spare
Did anyone in this county notice that, of all the options on the table for the location of a new central office for the school system, our fearless school board chose the most expensive? There must be more to this story than has been told.
I for one believe that the most logical location would have been the M I Windows location on Heilig Road. Cost would have remained under $5 million, it had twice as much space as needed — 60,000 square feet to spare used for storage and to alleviate the need to rent storage in town. It’s a single-floor structure, no need for elevators, adjacent to the school bus garage, a fenced-in facility, energy efficient with plenty of parking and many other factors.
Instead Mr. Jim Emerson stated that this was just a metal building. Well, Mr. Emerson, in case you did not know, a lot of our kids are located in trailers (mobile classrooms). And to think our administration is too good to locate in a metal building is ludicrous. I for one believe the location needs to be revisited instead of hiring a local architect without taking bids. The way they spend money would lead you to believe they are not spending their own.
— Kenny Austin