Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jill Foster earns Gold

Today, Jan., 8, 2012, at Concordia Lutheran Church, Jill Nicole Foster, 16, is receiving her Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor for a Girl Scout. She has been a Girl Scout at Concordia Lutheran Church, China Grove, for 12 years, beginning as a Daisy in kindergarten. She has earned her Bronze Award, Silver Award and now her Gold Award in her years as a Girl Scout.
A Junior at Carson High School, she has been a member of the Varsity Cheerleading squad for three years and is also Captain. She is also Secretary of the FFA, in which she is active. She teaches Sunday School at Concordia Lutheran.
Her Gold project was a Christian Day Camp held on teacher workdays and school holidays in 2009 and 2010. The day camp provided a fun, safe, Christian day full of activities for children ranging from preschool to fifth grade. She acknowledges her family, extended family, community members, church members and friends for donating their time and support to help her complete her project.  A special thanks to the parents who enrolled their children in the camp and donated non-perishable food to Main Street Mission in China Grove.
Jill is the daughter of Russell and Sheri Foster of Salisbury and has an older brother Ethan, of Salisbury.  She is the granddaughter of Oscar and Kay Foster of Salisbury, the late Amelda Foster of China Grove, Donald and Linda Lyerly of Salisbury and Sue Lyerly of Rockwell.