Letters to the editor – Wednesday (12-28-11)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 27, 2011
If ID needed in this case, why not when we vote?
I went to the Department of Social Services to sign up for food stamps. Can you believe they asked me for a picture ID ó a Social Security number ó and a letter of some kind like a light bill or water bill to prove I live at the address where I said I lived?
Next thing you know, they will want a picture ID before I can vote.
(P.S. I didnít really sign up for food stamps, but Iím sure you get my point.)
ó Gene Rollins
China Grove zoning issues
Zoning ordinances are not being enforced in China Grove. It is illegal to operate garages as well as paint and body shops in residential areas. Numerous complaints have been made with no action taken. Now there are two such businesses operating, and a new one is being built near where the mayor lives.
We are constantly hearing hammering on metal, noisy industrial air compressors and smelling paint. I wonder how the mayor will react when he starts smelling paint, hearing all the noise of hammering and the noise of industrial air compressors we hear.
The people operating such businesses are in violation of the restrictions on their deeds and are subject to lawsuits by the other residents.
ó Harold D. Coley
China Grove
Some Christmas thoughts
Most of us acknowledge Christmas for the one and only important reason ó Jesus!
Itís sad to know there are people who use Christmas celebrations as an excuse to get drunk, while others use it as an excuse to stuff themselves full of food until miserable or to give and receive expensive gifts. During these celebrations, they seem to forget to thank God for everything they have received, including the many blessings he so freely gives us all.
Gift-giving is a thoughtful thing to do but material objects donít last forever. Most gifts are exchanged, forgotten or left unused. It is the heartfelt gifts that are greatly appreciated, such as a much-needed hug, spending quality time with our elderly parents or grandparents or friends and relatives who are lonesome and feeling unloved.
The best and most important gift we should look forward to receiving is ó by faith, trust in Jesus, his death, burial and resurrection for our salvation ó to be assured of an eternity with God and Jesus.
Wishing that all had a blessed Christmas, in conclusion Iíll share these thoughts:
Happiness can be thought, taught, caught ó but cannot be bought.
Life is tragic for the one who has plenty to live on but nothing to live for.
Live today as if it was the last ó it may be.
Thank you, Pastor Floyd Wood, for those words of inspiration.
ó Ellie Mae Lambert