Churches hold Christmas Eve, Christmas Day services
Published 12:00 am Friday, December 23, 2011
Restoration lunch
ROCKWELL ó Restoration Church, 795 Cannon St., will be serving a free lunch to the community on Christmas day at 1 p.m. in the fellowship hall. All are welcome, especially anyone who doesnít have a place to go on Christmas Day. Contact Robin Coley for questions, 704-209-1645.
First Presbyterian
First Presbyterian Church, Salisbury: Christmas eve services at noon, communion service. 4 p.m.: children and youth lead worship in Lewis Hall, present their Christmas pageant. 9 p.m: candlelight worship service in the sanctuary led by Dr. Jim C. Dunkin, the Sanctuary Choir, Bell Tower Ringers, the Resurrection Brass, a flutist and soloists. Prelude music begins at 8:30 p.m. Christmas Day: 11 a.m., no other worship services or Sunday School.
Kimball Lutheran
KANNAPOLIS ó Kimball Lutheran Church, 101 Vance St.: three Christmas eve services, all with communion: 12:30 p.m., daytime service for families or who prefer daytime activities; 6 p.m., family candlelight service for families with children; 10:30 p.m., traditional candlelight service preceded by music starting at 10 p.m. Christmas Day worship: 11 a.m., only one service.
Maupin Avenue
An afternoon of food, fellowship, live music at Maupin Avenue Presbyterian Church. This free meal will be served continuously from 2-5 p.m. today. Carry-out available. Transportation needed? 704-633-9101 or 336-254-5282. Christmas eve candlelight service follows at 5:30 p.m.
Prince of Peace
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (corner of Hwy 152 and Old Concord Road), Christmas eve candlelight service and communion at 4 p.m. Christmas Day worship with communion: 11 a.m. 704-857-9588 or www.
Trinity UMC
KANNAPOLIS ó Trinity UMC Christmas eve candlelight communion service at 5 p.m. Sunday: casual dress at 10 a.m. service; children are invited to bring one toy to be blessed during the service. Trinity is at 416 East 1st St.
Sacred Heart
The regular weekend schedule will not be in place at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Masses on Christmas eve begin at 5 p.m. with childrenís Mass, followed by 7 p.m. Mass; 9 p.m. in Spanish, Christmas caroling in the church at 11:15 p.m.
Christmas Day Masses begin with midnight Mass, followed by Mass at 10:30 a.m. There will be no 5:30 p.m. Mass Saturday and no 8 a.m., 12:30 p.m. or 4 p.m. Masses on Sunday. The regular Mass schedule returns on Dec. 31 and Jan. 1., the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
The Rev. John Putnam and the Rev. Benjamin Roberts will celebrate the Masses, with music by Matthew Weaver.
World Hope
World Hope Worship Centerís Christmas eve service of worship and communion at 5 p.m.: praise, worship, dance, Christmas music, communion.
Christmas morning: service includes acoustic carols and special prayer. World Hope Worship Center, 2203 Mooresville Road,
First UMC
Three distinctly different services at First United Methodist Church, Salisbury on Christmas eve: 5 p.m., a service specifically designed for children, who will be invited to the front of the sanctuary costumed as a character from the story of the birth of Christ.
7 p.m.: service patterned after Moravian Love Feast including the traditional sharing of Moravian rolls and coffee with readings and music. 11 p.m.: service with communion and music, preceded by seasonal music by Matthew Brown.
St. Johnís Lutheran
Two Christmas eve services at St. Johnís Lutheran Church, 200 W. Innes St.: family service at 5 p.m., community service at 9 p.m., communion at both services and pre-service music 30 minutes before. The Rev. Rhodes Woolly is senior pastor. Christmas Day Unity service: 11 a.m. Sunday. Only one service, no Sunday school or nursery.
Kann 1st Presbyterian
KANNAPOLIS ó First Presbyterian Church: Christmas eve service at 5:30 p.m., candlelight service of carols and the Christmas story. Extended musical prelude at 5:15 p.m. Singing familiar Christmas carols, special music by the Chancel Choir, simple pageant telling the Christmas story, concluding with a candle lighting ceremony. 704-938-4623,www.First
Faith Lutheran
FAITH ó Two Christmas eve candlelight services with communion at Faith Lutheran Church: 5:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Both include special music, carols and at the 10:30 p.m. service the Chancel Choir will sing. Christmas Day service at 11 a.m., no Sunday school. The Chancel Choir will have special music and Pastor Sifford will have the message. This will be Siffordís last service at Faith Lutheran. The congregation hosted a reception on Dec. 18 in recognition of his retirement and faithfulness to the congregation. Faith Lutheran, 205 S. Main St.
Mt. Moriah Lutheran
Two services on Christmas eve at Mt. Moriah Evangelical Lutheran Church: 6 p.m., a musical play ěThe Light in Christmasî presented by the Sunday school and choirs. 9 p.m.: candlelight service of communion with readings and carols.
10:30 a.m. Christmas: musical Christmas service with Pastor Tallent preaching. No Sunday school. Mount Moriah Church Road runs between Main Street and Hwy. 153 in Landis. 704-857-5034, www.lutheransonline. com/lo/mtmoriah
Trinity Wesleyan
Trinity Wesleyan Church, 2200 Mooresville Road: Christmas eve candlelight communion service, 6-7 p.m., with nursery. Christmas day service 10:30-11:30 a.m. with nursery.
S. China Grove UMC
CHINA GROVE ó South China Grove United Methodist Churchís Christmas eve devotions: 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. with candle lighting followed by a fellowship time. Christmas day service: 9:30 a.m. with pastor Dr. S. B. ěDocî Warner playing piano music from 9:15 a.m. until service time.
Mt. Zion Lutheran
RICHFIELD ó Mt. Zion Lutheran Church Christmas eve candlelight communion service, 7 p.m. Worship service with communion 10:30 a.m. Christmas day. 704-463-7280,
Second Presbyterian
Second Presbyterian, 732 Lincolnton Road: traditional Christmas eve candlelight communion worship, 7 p.m. Guest organist Jeremy Krider from State College, Pa. Music by Bonnie Dill, Praise Team .
Haven Lutheran
Haven Lutheran Church, 207 W. Harrison St.ís annual Christmas eve candlelighting service with musical prelude at 7:30 p.m. Worship begins at 8 p.m. Christmas Day: 10:30 a.m. service with communion. 704-633-4881.
St. Paulís Lutheran
St. Paulís Lutheran Church, 205 St. Paulís Church Road, Christmas eve candlelight service,t 7:30 p.m. Christmas day service at 10 a.m., no Sunday school. Music by handbell, menís, and senior choirs, scriptures, messages, communion.
St. Enoch Lutheran
ENOCHVILLE ó St. Enoch Lutheran Church, 701 Campbell Ave., Kannapolis (Enochville): Christmas eve candlelight worship with communion, 8 p.m. Casual Christmas day worship with communion at 11 a.m. 704-932-8461, John Mark Beam is pastor.
Memorial UMC
KANNAPOLIS ó Memorial United Methodist Church, 1100 W ěCî St., 704-232-4878, Christmas eve candlelight service, 8 p.m. Christmas day service is at 3 p.m.
Resurrection Life
Resurrection Life Church, 216 South Main St., will have a Christmas eve candlelight communion service at 9 p.m. Sunday worship begins 10 a.m. 704-638-0002. The Rev. Jerry Snipes is pastor.
North Kannapolis
KANNAPOLIS ó Christmas eve candle-lighting service at N. Kannapolis Baptist Church at 10 p.m. Christmas morning service of communion on Sunday at 11 a.m. 312 Locust St.
St. Paulís Episcopal
St. Paulís traditional Christmas eve service, 10:30 p.m. with singing of Christmas carols followed by midnight mass at 11 p.m. No 9:45 a.m. adult forum this week., 11 a.m. Sunday, Father Williams celebrates Holy Eucharist. St. Paulís, 930 South Main St. 704-637-9404,
Lifeline Triumphant
Lifeline Triumphant Pentecostal Church Christmas day worship: 8 a.m. with continental breakfast. Sunday school at 9, worship at 10 a.m. with Evangelist Natricia A. Bailey.
Mooreís Chapel
CLEVELAND ó Mooreís Chapel AME Zion Church, 5890 S. River Church Road, Christmas day worship service at 9:30 a.m. The Rev. William Speas pastor, Rev. Winnie Speas, assoc. minister.
Love Christian Center
EAST SPENCER ó Love Christian Center Christmas day service, 10 a.m. 102 N. Long St.
Yadkin Grove Baptist
Yadkin Grove Baptist Churchís Christmas morning worship, 11 a.m. with Eric O. Smith, formerly of Kannapolis. The son of Lester and Doreatha Smith, a graduate of UNC Charlotte with Masters from Lipscomb University in Nashville, currently Associate Minister at Seventh St. Memorial Church in Richmond, Va. The Anointed Voices of Yadkin Grove Baptist willsing. 704-633-0061 or 704-637-1311.
S. China Grove CoG
CHINA GROVE ó South China Grove Church of God : one service on Christmas day at 11 a.m. Joyce Miles, pastor, 704-467-4555.
Potterís House Outreach
Potterís House Outreach Ministries, 119 A&B Clancy St., will hold A Call To Prayer seminars at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 26-Friday., Dec. 30, followed by worship at 7:30. Nightly speakers are: Monday, C. Yvette King (Potterís House), Leamon Brown (First Calvary Baptist); Tuesday, Gena Long (Potterís House), Tracey McDonald (St. Paul Baptist, Charlotte); Wednesday, Alfred Elliott (Potterís House), Hattie Chambers (Godís Will Deliverance); Thursday, Anthony and Tony Cook-Smith (New Harvest Ministries, Cooleemee), Earlene Parmon (Exodus UBC, W-S); Friday, Reginald Long (Potterís House), Patricia Turner (Tower of Power).
Messiah Lutheran
10 a.m. Christmas day worship service at Messiah Lutheran Church, 701 E. Lafayette [0x13]St. with communion. Installation of new council members. No Sunday school.