Holiday cheer for disabled Vets
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 22, 2011
Holiday cheer for disabled Vets
One tenet of a military officerís training is to take care of the troops under oneís command. The members of the Central Carolina Chapter of the Military Officer Association of America (MOAA) assist local veterans as a continuing application of that principle.
Following the precedent set last year, the local MOAA board partnered with the W.G. ëBillí Hefner VA Medical Center staff ó with the specific help of Debra Volkmer, LCSW, VAMC Caregiver Support Coordinator ó to identifiy three veterans who served after 9/11, are disabled due to combat or service connected injuries, have young children and are in need of help to make Christmas a reality in their home.
Cooperation and communication between VAMC staff and the MOAA Central Carolina Chapter Board of Directors ensured that these three veterans were provided a significant gift in time to provide their families a good Christmas.
MOAA is the nationís largest and most influential association of military officers. The Central Carolina Chapter is comprised of past and present military officers from all branches of the Armed Forces. The chapter meets the second Monday every other month, starting in January, at the Rufty-Holmes Senior Center. Membership is open to all currently serving, Guard and Reserve, former and retired commissioned and warrant officers of the uniformed services of the United States. Contact David Lee at 704-636-6650 for more information.