Letters to the editor – thursday (12-22-11)
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Misconceptions are dangerous
The intended purpose of a newspaper is to disseminate truthful information, despite the difficulty in acquiring factual documentary sources. Too often individuals and/or organizations spread ěfactsî that are not true, but may unfortunately influence readers unaware of the real facts. In cases of intentional misrepresentation, the writerís motives must be examined. Given the various media sources available, such as the Internet, those in search of information about an event can determine the truth.
Forgive me if I use examples about the Middle East, since this area is extremely pertinent to American foreign policy. Also, having lived in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, my intellectual sense and practical appreciation of the following should be considered. One assertion is that Christians cannot be Israeli citizens. Advocates of such statements should study the following: a justice to the Israeli Supreme Court is a Christian Arab, Salim Zouban; and Abdul Rahman Zuabi, a Muslim, also sits on the court. What country would allow non-citizens on its high court determining the legality of governmental and private legislation?
Israelís Christian population is approximately 9 percent of the total; her Christian population, according to a recent census is 117,000. This may not include the Druze and Christians who fled Lebanon because of religious prosecution. According to recent information, more than 6,000 honorably serve in the nationís military, including high ranking military personnel. The national parliament (Knesset) includes Christians, Druze, Jews and Muslims, some of whom serve in the cabinet.
Concern for the plight of Christians in the Arab (Muslim) world warrants examination. In democratic Israel, religious discrimination is against the national policy; proselytization is permitted in Israel, unlike most Arab countries. Many of the latter impose moral restrictions on non-Moslems: dress, association with one of the opposite sex etc.
Do some research.
ó Arthur Steinberg
Gunfire poses a risk
Itís about time Rowan County commissioners take their heads out of the sand and pass some rules regulating those shooting firearms around other peopleís houses and land.
This is a dangerous situation, and the people are due this protection.
ó George Gazeley
Officers should shape up
I am a taxpayer, and I frequently see articles about about overweight people. The military has a weight limit. If service members donít abide by it, they get kicked out. I think law enforcement officers should have a weight limit, too ó or at least be in physical shape. An officer came to a friendís house to look for a suspect and could not even bend over to look under a bed. He appeared to be extremely overweight, and I donít think he could even give chase if needed. I think that if you have a job that requires physical fitness, you should have a chance to get to the right weight or get put on desk duty or be let go. Officers are there to protect and serve. If they canít keep themselves physically fit, how can they protect and serve?
ó Romona Randall