Letters to the editor – Thursday (12-15-11)
Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 15, 2011
Don’t be so quick to cast judgment on Lowe’s
I wish everyone felt as strongly about opposition to Christian programming and other family programs as they seem to feel about opposition to the program about Muslim families. We as a country have come a long way but in the wrong direction. It is true God loves all people no matter what their religion. The problem I see is that some in our society only have a problem when someone or something comes against anything and everything but Christianity. We live in a time when it is sensationalized because a football player gives thanks to his God and he is put down for it, but so many are ready to stone Lowe’s because it decided to not sponsor something a lot of people found offensive. I don’t watch the show and don’t have any interest in it but find it sad knowing what bandwagons some people choose to jump on.
I am offended by people who use profanity in public or have vulgar things on their bumpers, but I was told by a public official that it was their right to do it. I choose not to watch certain things on television because they offend me, which is my right. It is Lowe’s right to choose not to sponsor this program. It is also the right of this program to be on television and the right of individuals to watch or not watch it. No need to start coming against all Christians. Good will always win out no matter what happens as long as we react in love. We tolerate so many things, but is Christianity one of them? Just thinking out loud.
— Wanda Davis
Israel faces many threats
In response to Victor Farrah’s Dec. 12 letter (“Israel & U.S. aid”), it is only necessary to offer the following facts: More than 10,000 rockets fired into Israel in the last 10 years, alone; surrounded on three sides by Muslim countries that have stated goals of destroying Israel and its citizens; Hamas, Islamic jihad, PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), Fatah, Hezbullah — all Muslim terrorists organizations funded by “foreign aid” from the Muslim world. One day the Arab world will figure out the defensive posture of Israel also includes peremptory strikes at known threats. It’s really very simple: When the Muslim world stops threatening Israel, Israel will no longer need military aid. Keep threatening Israel, and Israel will continue to defend itself.
— James Grizzard
Be aware of handicapped
I recently observed an incident that shows the need for greater awareness of people with handicaps.
On a recent Sunday, my friends took their 6-year-old girl to see a movie. She is very smart but has a hearing and speech problem that was present at birth.
During the start of the movie, the girl stood up and was trying to communicate with her mother by using sign language. She made a little noise in the process. Someone got their feelings hurt, I guess. They went to the manager and complained. The manager told us we had to go. The girl was very hurt and didn’t understand.
I caution people about this problem. Any of us could be handicapped; think about this. I was at a truck stop in Tennessee years ago. A famous blind singer was there. While he was eating, he made a little noise because he couldn’t see.
— Charles Black
Column had great message
I was visiting my dad this weekend and picked up the Sunday paper. I was so pleased to read Kent Bernhardt’s column about “a servant’s heart.” I am so happy to know someone else appreciates everyone no matter what there position in life may be.
Shame on the mother who looks down on a position in a restaurant. Not everyone can be everything. We are all important to each other, and I thank God that He gave each of us our own strengths and talents.
Thank you, Mr. Bernhardt, for your column. I just hope the people who need to read it, actually read it.
And no, I’m not a waitress but a director of nursing. But I greatly admire those who work in a serving capacity, no matter what the position.
— Dianne Brideson
New Bern