Letters to the editor – Saturday (11-26-11)

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 25, 2011

Liquified-gas fracking method
could be a game changer
Regarding Scott Mooneyhamís Nov. 22 column ěThe high stakes of frackingî:
Your man, Scott Mooneyham, needs to educate himself on the subject of fracking for natural gas before trying to scare our fellow citizens.
A company in Canada has applied for a patent for the process of using liquified propane gas to frack shale beds. The company just picked up a contract with Chevron, and the process has been used numerous times in Canada and Texas, with more gas being released than fracking with highly pressurized water. The liquified gas expands back to a gas as it cracks the shale formations, and is recovered to be used again with the released oil and gas. The water disposal problem is completely eliminated.
Gas Frac Services is also in the running for fracking the large Marcellus shale gas formations in the northeastern United States. Do your homework, Mooneyham. This process is a game changer if our country has the good sense to use it. With our natural gas reserves, and the jobs for N.C. citizens it would supply, what are we waiting for?
ó Garrett Fulton
Gold Hill
It was a grand experience
I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to the Holiday Caravan Committee for asking me to participate in the 2011 Holiday Caravan Parade as the grand marshal. The experience is one that I will never forget. People calling your name from both sides of the streets, friends doing a cheer for you and even a couple of young ladies doing back hand-springs as I passed are etched in my mind! I especially want to thank Wesley, Wendy and Lindsey Perry and the rest of their family for asking me to be grand marshal this year. The work this family and their volunteers put in to make this parade a success entails many hours. Those of us who are fortunate enough to attend the parade each year have no idea what goes into the planning stages.
Again, many thanks for this opportunity and if you are asked to volunteer in the future, please donít hesitate.
ó Bill Fisher