Letters to the editor – Saturday (11-19-11)

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 18, 2011

Rescue squad performs many thankless tasks
Regarding Commissioner Jim Sidesí recent comments about the Rowan Rescue Squad and its chief, Coyt Karriker:
Let me help put things into perspective. Mr. Sides is definitely not someone who should be throwing stones at others. The term ědoes not play well with othersî comes to mind.
Those folks slamming the rescue squad, their equipment and personnel need to realize they do some very undesirable jobs in this county that no one else wants to do or is properly trained for. I know ó I do most of their instruction as an N.C. rescue instructor. They also drag rivers for dead bodies and transport them, not to mention transporting the unfortunate dead who had no family or friends to realize they had passed away weeks ago, backing up EMS when they are overloaded as well as performing rescue expertise in almost all disciplines the state requires, to name just a few things your (and my) hard-earned tax dollars go toward.
Might I suggest instead of complaining that you spend several hundred hours this yaer away from your family and friends and learn how to become an EMT, a firefighter or a rescue technician? We can always use good qualified help.
And by the way, Mr. Sides, I do not appreciate you using my Lord and Savior to further your political ambitions.
ó Wayne Harkey
Just say no to Duke Power
Duke Power has gone off the deep end in requesting a 17 percent rate hike for its customers in such bad economic times. Duke also should apologize for claiming that the company has not had a rate hike in over a decade.
Immediately after the ice storm of 2002, Duke implemented a rate hike that was supposed to pay for clearing the right of way of trees that fall during ice storms and cause power failures. Duke received the rate hike, but never cleared the right of ways.
Now, Duke wants to appear to be concerned with the customersí needs by lowering their rate increase to 12 percent and then saying it will donate millions to help with heating bills. What a crock. If Duke can donate millions, it darn sure does not need any more money out of the public. Let them cut back on the outrageous dividends they pay out to themselves and stock holders.
Enough is enough. Duke put in more equipment at its own descretion, did not ask the customers about it and, if anything, the customers need a rate decrease. Duke Power is just like our federal government and follows Obamaís spending program. Before long, everyone elseís money does run out.
ó Danny Warren
Gold Hill