9-11 Editor’s note: About this section
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 28, 2011
As Americans revisit the events of Sept. 11, 2001, today, 10 years later, we share one thought.
Never forget.
Our naivete about terrorism disappeared along with the lives of more than 2,800 people in and around the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania that day.
Rising in the place of our innocence was something much greater than fear or jadedness. We had resolve.
We would not let this attack cripple the nation. And we would not let it go unanswered.
This commemorative section of the Salisbury Post takes a look at how Sept. 11, 2001, affected our community and what new wisdom we carry with us.
Here are some of the stories youíll find in these pages:
Post reporter Emily Ford touched base with five people the Post interviewed immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks. ěThe first thing we did was, we prayed,î said Carl Sachtleben, pastor of St. Johnís Lutheran Church at the time.
Columnist Mark Wineka talked to families whose sons and husbands have taken up arms in the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. The wars have even impacted veterans like Jim Fero, who reads the names of those killed in action to his church congregation each week. ěItís the least I could do,î Fero says. ěI see tears in the congregation every week.
While Muslims in America reported racial profiling and reprisal after the attacks, the Muslims whom reporter Karissa Minn interviewed here say they have found curiosity and openness. ěWhat has changed is that many churches and local colleges ó like Catawba and RCCC ó have invited me to talk to them about these issues on religion,î says Seddiq Behrooz. ěI am really proud of the American people, because in all of the places I went and talked to them, they were so open-minded.î
Reporter Emily Ford found local artists who responded to 9/11 by using their talent to create something meaningful and lasting, such as James Donaldsonís painting of men huddled together in front of a tattered American flag. ěThere was something I wanted to say,î Donaldson says. ěYou may try to harm us, but people will come together, literally embracing.î
The section also has stories about law enforcement, firefighters, teachers, teens and more ó all aimed at giving readers a fuller understanding of Sept. 11, 2001, and its impact here.
Going beyond Rowan County, this section includes a look at how 9/11 has shaped two presidencies as well as informative graphics about the new World Trade Center and the years since 9/11 ó all from the Associated Press.
Weíve gone from shock and destruction to a new normal ó restored and whole, but with the knowledge that our country has unpredictable enemies. For the sake of our own safety and our way of life, we must remain vigilant.
And never forget.
ó Elizabeth Cook