Meet East's Kyler Brown
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 22, 2011
Name: Kyler Brown
School: East Rowan
Sports: Football, track
Family: Dad Paul, Mom Karen, sister Brynn Abernathy, brother Blake Abernathy
Nicknames: Killer, Ky Ky, Brownie
Hidden talent: Playing football
Personal motto: Ruthlessly pursue success
Favorite restaurant: Cookout
Favorite class: Weightlifting
Favorite TV: BET
Favorite movie: Step Brothers
Favorite team: East Rowan Mustangs
Favorite athlete: My brother
Favorite musician: My dad
Words that best describe me: Determined, nice, funny
Celebrity dream date: Martha Stewart
Actor starring in the movie about my life: Dave Chappelle
Biggest rival: South
My greatest accomplishment: Starting on offense
Career goal: Play football in college
If I’m a millionaire by age 20, I will: Buy $1 million worth of scratch-off tickets