Letters to the editor – Wednesday (9-14-11)
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Want to help Knox now? Here’s how you can
As students at Knox Middle School, we would like to thank those in our community who spent time and money this summer to help make improvements at our school. The new paint and landscaping are very nice, and we hope to take good care of it.
We are proud of our school, its diversity and the alumni that have graduated from Knox. We like our new principal and appreciate how he is helping to create order and a friendly learning environment. Over the past two years, we have learned many life lessons at KMS — in the classroom, on the athletic field and on field/band trips. We are proud to be Knox students and feel strongly that our school needs to be a shining example in Salisbury and beyond of how students, teachers and administrators can work together toward a common goal.
Having said this, we still have a ways to go, and we’re asking for your help. KMS is the only middle school within the city limits — it is your neighborhood school. Therefore, it must continue moving forward in providing the best experience for all students. Here’s where you come in. Invest in a Child is our annual fundraiser for technology (a fund eliminated three years ago from all RSS schools because of the economy). If we can raise $10,000, then the Board of Education matches it completely. That’s $20,000 that our school desperately needs to move toward its goal as the first STEM middle school. Please, won’t you consider making a donation? It WILL make a difference. Like our principal says, “Love kids, support teachers, involve parents/community, pass it on …” Thank you in advance! To donate, please make your checks payable to KMS PTA, 1625 Park Road West, Salisbury, NC 28144.
— Kathryn Rusher, Sammy Suggs and Matt Woolly
Kathryn and Matt are eighth graders; Sammy is a seventh grader at Knox Middle School.
Help after accident
First of all, I want to thank Jesus and his angels for saving me and my family from a bad accident that happened Aug. 3 on East Innes Street in Salisbury. Second, I want to thank everyone for a job well done.
Thanks to the wonderful people who helped me and my family until the fire department, ambulance crew and police got there. Special thanks to the young lady, Krystal Gray, who was the first on the scene and gave comfort to us. Also, a special thank you to police Officer Daniel Fleming for a job well done, and also to the medical workers who pulled pieces of glass from my arm.
I would like to thank all of those who helped for a job well done.
— Vida Pulliam