Published 12:00 am Friday, June 17, 2011

Laura Elaine Ritchie Graduation

Laura Elaine Ritchie of Salisbury graduated May 14, 2011, Summa Cum Laude from Catawba College receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Middle School Education with a specialization in Language Arts and Social Studies.  
Laura was on both the Dean’s and Presidential List all four years; represented Catawba as a Catawba College Ambassador; served as President for both the Helen Foil Beard Women’s Society and the Student North Carolina Association for Educators; was inducted into numerous honors societies, including Alpha Chi, Phi Epsilon; and served as Secretary of the Kappa Delta Phi Teaching Honors Society. In addition to these, she was a Junior Marshal for the graduation year of 2010.
Her greatest accomplishment was completing her senior honors thesis titled “A Side-By-Side Educational Experience: Cooperative Learning in Middle School Social Studies,” therefore, graduating with college honors.  
A 2007 graduate of East Rowan High School, she is the daughter of Cameron and Laurie Ritchie and the granddaughter of Robbie and Phyllis Robinson and Doris and the late W.J. Ritchie, Jr., all of Salisbury. She plans to seek employment in middle school education.