Letters to the editor – Friday (6-17-2011)

Published 12:00 am Thursday, June 16, 2011

Too many kittens? Try spay/neuter
In response to Brenda Kirbyís June 15 letter, thank you for your tireless proactive stand in attempting to help the neglected animals in Rowan County. Your offer of financial assistance to the uncaring woman surrendering her cat to Animal Control is greatly appreciated.
All animal groups are in need of funds now. As one lone individual, I think itís time Ms. Kirby received some financial help also. Perhaps others could help her to help these unfortunate animals either financially or with the gift of time, energy or resources.
Also, as Ms Kirby stressed ó spay/neuter! I personally gave literature last year to two separate women whose cats had just had kittens. This year, itís the same story ó more kittens ó do I need any? There are low-cost options to avoid this contribution to pet over-population. Please use them.
ó Joanne Bryla
China Grove
Hit and died
ěDartî and shame to the callous driver who hit a dog at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 8, in front of Easter Seals at 620 W. Innes St.
She was left in the road to die alone. Precious was her name; her jeweled collar was pink.
Precious died while my dog and I cradled and comforted her.
Thank you to Salisbury Police and the Animal Control officer for their help and kindness.
ó M.T. Sidoli