Open house for Catawba evening program
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Open house for Catawbaís Evening Program in Ketner Hall
Catawba Collegeís School of Evening Studies will sponsor an open house on the Catawba campus on Monday, June 20, from 5-7:30 p.m. in Ketner Hall, Room 108. Prospective students are invited to drop by at any time for an overview of the program and financial aid opportunities.
Two bachelorís degree programs are offered in the evening: business administration with concentrations in management and information systems, and birth-kindergarten education for community college graduates who have completed the AAS degree with the early childhood associate major.
Catawbaís block format in the evening allows students to concentrate on one course at a time. Classes meet on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6-9:45 p.m. and one Saturday morning per month from 8-11:45 a.m. Students complete one course per month for 12 or more credit hours per semester.
Tuition in the evening program is comparable to that of North Carolina public universities, and federal and state financial aid is available. To enroll in the program, students must be at least 21 years old or hold an associateís degree from a community college.
According to Edith Bolick, dean of the School of Evening and Graduate Studies, ěMany students are taking a positive approach to the current economic climate by completing their degrees or enrolling in college for the first time. Our graduates report that the personal attention in our classroom-based program and our one-course-per-month format have contributed to their successful degree completion.î
For further information call 704-637-4772 or visit