Letters to the editor – Thursday (6-16-2011)

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Another perspective on Randís ëAtlas Shruggedí
Someone very close to me insisted that I read Ayn Randís fictional work ěAtlas Shruggedî and even sent me a copy several months ago. Though the book was written more than 50 years ago, she told me I would find the book to be quite relevant and after reading the 1,168 page edition, I concur.
Regrettably, Mark Sells used his Sunday column to try and discourage potential Ayn Rand readers based principally on her views regarding objectivism and Christianity while ignoring the alarming foundational theme in ěAtlas Shruggedî that big government threatens individual rights. Is this threat still pertinent?
The hero, John Galt is determined to stop the engine that drives an essentially untenable form of government. Itís a dark time where the ělootersî or ěmoochersî are demanding benefits of those who produce societyís goods and services. The ělootersî want big government, government ownership, regulation and redistribution of wealth. They demand the earnings of inventors and business on behalf of the needy and use force when necessary. The ělootersî are resentful of the talented on which they depend and feel they are ěmorally right.î
ěAtlas Shruggedî depicts a grim world where government seeks to control a hefty portion of business and development. Rather than shy away from reading the ideas presented by Ayn Rand, I feel her words are still fitting as todayís citizens continue to discuss the progression of ever bigger government versus the protection of individual rights.
One of the memorable quotes from ěAtlas Shruggedî declares, ěHappiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of oneís values.î Another quote reads, ěThe evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it.î As July 4 draws near, do we still value liberty, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness? Consider the challenge of reading ěAtlas Shrugged.î
ó Tina Hall
Mt. Ulla
Food guide has flaws
Dr. Christopher Magryta is right regarding the new ěMy Plateî food guide (June 14 Salisbury Post).
Are they really serious or is this some kind of joke? They have added a nice, new design and graphics, but what else? The graphics and image are easy to read, and anyone gets their point by just looking at it.
Something is missing. What is it? Fat! And Dr. Magryta touched on it.
It appears the USDA is trying to make people think they are aware of the problems with the American diet; however, leaving fat off of the prescription leaves me in unbelief. Fat is critical to our existence as human beings, not something we should avoid. To conveniently leave it out of the picture shows the power of money and the governmental lobbies that are in favor of keeping people believing that fats are bad and carbs are good, and that the best way to prevent heart disease is to lower your cholesterol by taking statins.
I see big business on every corner of the plate.
I can understand the emphasis for people to eat healthier because that is what I do, and it is foundational for health. But as a guideline for people to follow, with the exception of half the plate being fruits and vegetables, nothing is stated about portion sizes, and the wedges on the plate are not defined accurately enough to benefit the consumer.
And Iím not convinced that dairy needs to be included in every meal due to the mineral imbalance they cause. There are many bone building nutrients ó including vitamin K, magnesium, vitamin D, potassium and others ó in addition to calcium, and you should probably upsize your veggies to get those extra bone builders.
As Dr. Magryta stated, Dr. Weilsí comments about foods are simple and right on.
I urge everyone to eat sensibly by making better choices each and every day, making the right choices for our bodies.
ó Steve Moreno
Moreno operates Simply Good Natural Foods in Salibury.
Thanks for sidewalk work
I was just driving by in my van but noticed the city finally fixed the sidewalk in front of Piedmont Carpet and The Sweetest Thing. Since I have not been by there on my scooter, Iím not sure all of it is fixed. Thanks to Richard Kelly for taking care of this. Now, can we get the water fountain fixed at Hurley Park? It is such an enjoyable place to be.
ó Linda Beck